
393 3 0

Guys, we officially reached 2k!!! Woo-hoo! I wrote this story thinking it would get like 200 or 300 reads, yet alone 2,000. It's just so surprising for me! And cool! I love writing this story, and sometines I get scared that I grow out of this story and try something new.

But my readers and the comments (thanks hesperus_111 for the comments) push me to keep going. I'm just happy to see that my story is a sucky one that people just read then say no. Believe me, I do that as well sometimes.

My name is Karley. I am a certain years old, a few days ago was my birthday actually. I love writing fanfics, taking walks in the woods where I live, going on road trips, simping for Miguel because it's what I do, being with my friends who have been there when my brother died and much much MUCH more.

Well, no story on this chapter.

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