Part Sixty-Three: Surgery

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During the time between Gwen's surgery, many things happened. LaRusso Auto Parts wasn't going too well, so hoping to fix a deal with Doyona, Daniel went to Tokyo, Japan, on Gwen's approval of course.

Gwen had enough for her surgery since Johnny had taken a vase from his stepfather.

But when they finally had enough money, most of it from Johnny, some from the Car Wash and some from her parents, Gwen was ready for her surgery.

Gwen sat in her cot, waiting for Mr. Crasio and her surgeon that came from far away to help her to be ready for the surgery. Just about everyone she knew stood around her. The Diaz's, The LaRusso's, The Sauher's, the Vossburg's, and the Crasio's

"You ready, Danny?" Daniel asked his daughter.

"I hope so," she said. "I haven't been this nervous since I had Cancer," she said, facing her family. Everyone.

Soon, Dr. Crasio walked in. "Gwen, we're ready for you. Now, will all of you please leave so we can give her anesthetics," he asked and everyone said bye to her, with Miguel giving her a kiss.

 Now, will all of you please leave so we can give her anesthetics," he asked and everyone said bye to her, with Miguel giving her a kiss

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About 19 hours after, Gwen woke up. She was sore, of course.

Since her dad already left for home, to pack for the trip, it was only her family, the Diaz's, Maggie, Peter and Mason waiting for her.

Dr. Crasio soon walked out of the doctor's room.

"OK. The surgery was a success. We won't know if she can walk again for a while. She's gonna be out of it. Meaning not be herself for a bit, got it? *cough* Maggie and Mason," Jackson said. "Yes, Dad," the kids said.

"So, who wants to talk to her," Jackson said.

The group began talking to each other.

"Mrs. LaRusso, may I speak to her first?" Miguel asked.

"Yeah, of course, Miguel. Go ahead," Amanda said.

Miguel stood up and followed Jackson Crasio.

Meanwhile, by the time Miguel got to her room, she was talking to someone on her phone. Her dad.

"How did the surgery go?" He asked.

"Good. I'm still out of it, but good," she said.

"I'm so sorry I couldn't be there when you woke up," he apologised.

"Dad, stop. It's fine. You are going to save LaRusso Auto. I'll be fine. Just be careful, OK? I love you."

"I love you, Daniella. Be safe," he replied. "Bye."

"Bye," she said, with a smile on her face but when the call ended, the smile faded.

She looked through the window and saw Miguel.

"Mig?" She asked and he walked in and sat beside her. "Yeah, it's me. Who are you," he asked.

Gwen smiled and laughed.

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