Part Seventy-Six: House Fight

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"I literally cannot say this any plainer. Eagle Fang and Miyagi-Do have to work together," Gwen explained, as everyone rested on the couch. Sam and Mason were sitting on the couch, secretly holding each other's hand.

"Even if we wanted to team up, it'd never work. I was in Cobra Kai. Their style mixes with ours like..." Chris explained.

"Oil and vinegar?"

"No, not salad dressing. I would say... the British Bulldogs and the Hart Foundation," he added.

"They were friends, dipshit," Mitch bickered. "Not at WrestleMania 3, Penis Breath."

"Ok, you can't call me Penis Breath. Only they can call me Penis Breath," Mitch explained, pointing to all the Eagle Fang's.

"Why are you OK with anyone calling you Penis Breath?!"

"You know what? Screw this! Come on, let's go." Mitch stood up, walking with Bert to the entrance of the house.

Gwen looked at Miguel, wincing. "Guys-"

"Hey, pussies!!" Demetri yelled, standing up.

They both stopped, turning around to face Demetri, who was now standing. "This exactly what those assholes at Cobra Kai want. Since you were one of 'em, you're an asshole too. So are you," he said, pointing at Chris.

"I ain't no asshole," Chris mumbled. Sam nudged his shoulder, making him stop.

"So was I. Well, at least I wanted to be one. But now, Cobra Kai is the worst collection of assholes in the Valley, run by the king of all assholes. So if by merging with Eagle Fang... weird name, by the way, can keep us all from getting shit on anymore, then we'd all be assholes not to do it!!"

Gwen and Miguel looked at each other, to scared to speak up. They let out a small chuckle now and then.

"I'm sorry for all the 'assholes'. I usually take pride in my grandiloquence but... it's an emotional time." Reluctantly, Mitch and Bert sat back on the couch. "Now, where do we start?" Demetri asked, looking at Gwen.

"We're all in agreement that our new combined dojo should train at Miyagi-Do

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"We're all in agreement that our new combined dojo should train at Miyagi-Do. But deadlocked on a new name, Gi design, Post-Training snacks, and Sensei Dispute Resolution Protocol. Alright," Demetri sighed.

"Ok, it's not... perfect, but still, it's a start."

They heard a cat meow outside, and Gwen's eyes bulged. "Aw, I think your cat wants to come in. Here, kitty, kitty," Bert said, standing up and walking towards the door.

"I didn't know you had a cat," Miguel asked Gwen.

"We don't. Arnel hates them. He's shut upstairs in my room," Gwen explained, eyes scrunched.

Just like that, a small teenager was thrown through the kitchen window, getting cut and bloodied. Everyone rushed up and over to Bert, who'd just got sent through glass. "Bert, what happened!?" Miguel shouted.

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