2: Ice To Meet You

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"Fuck I should have worn a warmer sweater." Yuji cursed. He could hear the crackling of ice from 3 blocks away and had come to investigate.

It was freezing. Maybe to most people it would just be chilly, a light breeze, but it felt like fucking Siberia to Yuji's skin.

An obvious villain was standing in the middle of the street holding a gun to the head of a helpless looking police officer. The office was trapped in ice that appeared to be spreading from the villain's feet. There were several onlookers. Three. No-four. Someone was in the alley across the street. Yuji could hear the officer's radio on his chest relaying people trying to speak with him.

Adjusting the mask, Yuji prepared himself to run in.

"Good evening everybody." He said. The villain flinched and spun around, pointing the gun at Yuji. "Woah, that's a little overdramatic. I haven't even done anything yet.".

"Back off or I shoot." The villain said. The gun was shaking in his hand and Yuji could hear the bullets rattle round the chamber.

Then he got an excellent idea. The chamber had space in it. It was probably meant to hold closer to 10 bullets but Yuji could clearly hear there were only 6 left.

He needed to draw those bullets out of the guy.

"Why don't you let the officer go, Frigidaire?" He joked. The villain gritted his teeth and tightened his grip on the gun. Yuji heard as he inhaled and then pulled the trigger.

The flash from guns was disorienting, Yuji had discovered, so he focused on the displaced air and sound. He didn't even have to move, the guy's aim was terrible. It landed about 2 feet behind him to the right.

"Nice try." He taunted, taking another step forwards.

"Stay back!" The ice villain shouted. Yuji was slightly distracted by the sudden increase in pace of his own and everyone around's heart rate. Specifically the person in the alley, who was on the taller side. Their heart was pretty decently sized. God that sounded creepy.

The villain discharged another bullet and this time Yuji had to dodge to the left. He heard the villain's breath hitch as he discharged two more rounds. Yuji dodged again, the air whipping past the bullets was a dead giveaway to where they would land.

Yuji counted how many bullets were left.

"Put the gun down." Yuji said. The villain laughed.

"You think I'm gonna listen to you?!" He shouted, gripping the gun again. The ice was slippery now that the vigilante was close enough to touch it. He felt it try to creep up onto his shoes every time he touched the ground.

This had to be done quickly, then. "You're not even a real hero. You're just a wannabe!" The villain shouted.

The police radio was loud and clear in Yuji's ears now, making it hard to focus on the gun.

"Ooh I'm offended." The vigilante crooned. "I don't want to be anything like those losers.".

He was 5 feet from the man now. It would be harder to dodge.

The man shot again, aiming for his head. One twitch to the right was all it took to dodge, but it was close.

Yuji's heart rate picked up and adrenaline flooded through his body. He could feel the heat of the bullet like it was still next to his head.

"Not nice." He said through gritted teeth. He took another step closer to the man. "You might have a decent shot and a hostage, but how many bullets do you have left? None.".

The man looked at the gun, confused. Suddenly he felt how light it was and cursed under his breath. Yuji punched him square in the jaw, knocking him back.

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