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"You know its illegal to walk around with this much cocaine on you right?". 

"Fuck you, fucking hero. Think you know best." The man gritted out. 

"I do know best. You know how long I sold drugs without getting caught? Months!" Yuji informed the man, who just tried to struggle against the magnetic cuffs. "There's no use pal, you're stuck there. I've already notified the police, they'll be here any second.". 

"Already here." A voice called out from the other end of the alley. Yuji turned to see his favorite police officer standing there, a grin on his face. 

"Well if it isn't officer dumbass!" He called out, beaming back at the man. "Who the fuck let you keep your job? Haven't you gotten kicked out yet?". 

"Who let you keep your job?" Seito asked walking over to give Yuji a quick job. "What's your hero name now? Street Thug? Captain Black Eye?". 

"Actually I kept Ghost. It works better." The hero replied, "Ghost and Bright went through quite the merger after I graduated, remember?". 

"You act like they're two companies." Seito shook his head with a laugh. "How you ever kept 'em separate in the first place was crazy. You worked like-two hero shifts a day for two years.". 

"It worked out in the end, didn't it?" Yuji remarked. 

"Whatever happened to dropping out after first year huh?" His childhood friend teased. 

Yuji rolled his eyes. "The heart wants what the heart wants." He replied. 

"Yeah, your 'heart' wanted to be able to have sex with your boyfriends whenever-" 

"What are you doing down their Ota?" Another voice called out. Another officer, this time in a trench coat, jogged into the alley. 

"I almost never hear your last name." Yuji realized. Seito shoved him playfully. 

"Ota what did I say about not going off on your own-YUJI?!". The officer looked at him in shock. 

"Itsuki?!" Yuji himself was surprised. He usually recognized people's scents (creepy but useful). It must have changed since he last saw the man.  "What the fuck are you doing here?" He asked while moving to hug the man. 

"I see you're mouth is vulgar as ever. I'm his senior." The man explained, giving Yuji a quick squeeze. "You two friends?". 

"Since like elementary school, yeah." Yuji explained. 

"I'm sorry you fucking know each other?" Seito asked. 

"Watch your language while in uniform." Hado warned. "And yeah, of course we know each other. Its been years.". 

"What, since my graduation?" Yuji tried to remember, "Nearly 5 years since the last time I saw you. You should come by the gym sometimes. I'm sure my mom and my mom and my god-father and my god-father and my boyfriend and my boyfriend and my god-sister would love to see you. Most of 'em haven't really met you.". 

"Just one god-sister? Not two?" Itsuki joked. 

Yuji smiled, "Just the one. I like introducing them all that way, its more overwhelming for people.". 

"Am I missing something here?" Seito asked, "How do you two know each other.". 

"Oh, he's my sperm donor." Yuji said, like it was nothing. Seito gawked at him. "What? Neither of my moms have that kinda genetic material.". 

"Jeez Yuji you amaze even me sometimes." Seito sighed. "Alright, lets get this guy out of here. We have work to do, unlike someone else.". 

"Heroes time is important. I could have been saving someone else right now." Yuji retorted, petty as always. 

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