32: Where In The World

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"And you're positive this is him?". 

The gang leader, who had introduced himself formally as Fujiwara, scoffed. "I'm positive. I've seen him enough that I know what I'm looking at. Besides, all his little tech junk I just gave you is real. No one could make those things out of junk but him." He said simply. He was grinning again, the corners of his mouth seemingly impossibly wide with the makeup. 

Officer Hado wasn't comfortable with being around the leader, but he had to. There was no other option really. They had been trying to capture Ghost for months. Unfortunately the bastard was slippery. He seemed to disappear into thin air most times. 

So he, as the person heading the operation, decided to try a more unconventional method. The old 'enemy of my enemy is my friend' strategy. 

Of course he wholeheartedly intended on betraying and arresting everyone in the building when this was done, but until then they were useful assets. 

So was the military grade aerosol sedatives Hado had taken for this mission. He was sure anything less wouldn't have even made the crazy fucker sleepy. 

There was also the added problem of prying Eraserhead away. It was common knowledge that Ghost had gotten a pass during the tower incident because of Eraserhead. The underground hero seemed to have partnered up with the criminal. 

So Hado assigned his hero agency a new, incredibly tough case and requested Midnight and Eraserhead should work on it together. 

As luck would have it, his plan finally worked. They had gotten Ghost alone long enough to get him with the gas. 

Well, they hadn't. The gang had. But same difference. 

"I suppose you would like the honor's?" The officer asked, not wanting to anger Fujiwara. He smiled, a crazed look in his eyes. 

"Don't mind if I do.". 

He made his way over to Ghost's unconscious body. The man reached out and grabbed the fabric of the black mask. 

"Its thicker than I thought it would be-". The man was cut off but a sudden painful sensation. He looked at Ghost's body in horror. 

The vigilante, who appeared to be bound and unconscious in a sitting position against the wall was awake and he had just stabbed a knife though the gang leader's hand. 

Fujiwara howled in pain, cursing a blue streak as he jumped back from the area, taking this knife in his hand with him. 

"I thought you said you had searched him!" He shouted angrily to one of the members of his entourage. 

"We did!" They protested, "Honest, boss. We have no idea where he kept that.". Fujiwara gritted his teeth and raised his uninjured fist to punch his subordinate. 

"Do better next time." He said through gritted teeth. The underling nodded quickly, clutching the throbbing cut on their face from one of Fujiwara's rings. 

While they were speaking, four more gang members had rushed in, eager to solve the problem. They had undone the restraints on Yuji's wrists and done them again behind his back. He struggled like crazy but one of them brought a taser, which quickly had the vigilante fighting to regain his breath instead of against them.

They resecured his hands behind him against a metal bar that was attached to the floor. 

"No getting out of that one you, huh you little fucker?" Fujiwara laughed as Ghost tested his new range of motion. "Misaki, take the mask off. I'm getting impatient." He ordered. 

Another clown gang member approached Yuji cautiously. She gripped the fabric off the mask and pulled as quickly as she could. 

It came right off his face, his blue hair springing out and covering part of his face. 

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