18: Calculated Mistakes

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Yuji hadn't worn clothes like these in ages. 

Well, he had worn the clothes all separately rather recently. His moms couldn't buy him new clothes whenever he wanted them. But he hadn't worn them all at once in a while. 

He looked at himself in the mirror. The black t-shirt he was wearing hung loosely off his shoulders putting his collarbones on full display. He had a black bulky jacket hanging loosely around his shoulders with a few patches on the arms and his pants were the same colour. 

He had decided to go with the reinforced steel toed boots from his vigilante outfit though. Just in case. 

As the final touch he put a black mask on, mirroring the yakuza's signature style. It would lull them into a false sense of security. 

"Um have any of you seen Ghost?" Togata asked over the com system. Yuji had made them himself, he was quite proud of it. 

"Not yet." Midoriya said, sounding worried. 

"Relax." Yuji interjected, "I'm here. Wait where you are. Remember, you're not allowed to ask Eraserhead what he's hearing and he's not allowed to tell you.". The students confirmed that they wouldn't. 

"Alright then Ghostbusters, we're ready to go.". 

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The movements that followed were achingly familiar. Yuji started walking from the boba shop he had been waiting in to the hideout. He walked to the semi-secluded staff entrance and buzzed the door. 

"The fuck do you want brat?" The gruff man asked, eyeing Yuji suspiciously. The teen gave him his best unimpressed look, which was pretty damn good.

"Tell Deidoro that Kenshutsu's back. Or you could just let me in, since I'm sure he told you to." The boy smirked. 

"How the fuck am I supposed to believe you're someone important?" The guard asked. Before the man could even blink Yuji punched him in the face. The man recoiled and clutched his cheek. 

"You'd fucking better or a bruise will be the least of your worries.". 

Here's the thing. Yuji never formally signed on with the Shie. He wasn't a member of the Yakuza, not even close. 

He had been recruited by one of their Trigger dealers because he was small, poor and unassuming. He looked like a nice kid. No one would question a nice kid. 

But once while he was at the headquarters picking up a delivery he had met Deidoro Sasaki. A member of the Eight Bullets that made you feel drunk with his quirk. He wasn't involved in any of the drug operations beyond eating up their supply. 

He'd taken a liking to Yuji, their youngest runner and what he called a 'promising future member'. Through Deidoro Yuji had met the Hassaikai's head and Chisaki Kai, who was at the time just the successor.  

Chisaki had liked him too. Always encouraged every bit of rebelliousness in him. Always pushed him to be more villainous, more of a delinquent, to cause more problems for his parents. 

He never admired them for anything other than their money, but they thought he was a cute little kid, staring up at them with stars in his eyes. 

Hence why he could take advantage of that now. 

Yuji walked right past the guard into the traditionally furnished rooms of the staff quarters. He was right-the schedule hadn't changed. No one would be running on the weekends until tonight. They had arrived here at 9 am. There was barely a soul in the place, and if Yuji didn't have super senses he would have assumed the place was abandoned. 

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