7: Why Is It Always My Problem?

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Now, you guys haven't gotten a visual representation of what Yuji wears while out saving people, so here you go! 

I wanted to go against the grain for superhero outfits and make the areas around his eyes just a little bit darker than the rest of the mask instead of lighter. 

And yes, the mask is supposed to cover his whole head and neck that awkwardly. He's trying really hard to keep himself unidentifiable. 

(Also my art isn't great, please don't expect something beautiful or even half decent! I'm just trying my best 😭😭) 


"Bro I am going to absolutely flop this test." Izunami groaned. 

"Is it possible for you to talk like a normal person?" Saito asked, taking a sip of his drink. Izunami stuck her tongue out at him. Yuji rolled his eyes.

"Just fuck already you two." He commented. "Yeah, get a damn room." Miyazaki chimed in. Saito glared at them. 

"Like fuck I would ever get with her." He rolled his eyes. 

"Yeah I've known him for too long." Izunami said, shivering. "Our moms would find out immediately and then it'd be weird.". 

"Forgot you two were basically forced to hang out as kids." Miyazaki said. "I don't think its possible to like someone you've known for that long.". 

"It is." Yuji said, taking a sip of his own drink. Passion fruit was the superior boba flavor, by the way. No room for debate. "I know a couple that've been friends since kindergarten. I don't know if they have sex or not but they definitely like each other.". Yuji strangely felt like blushing when he said that. Sex talk wasn't anything new for his friends, or for him, yet when it came to Bakugou and Midoriya...

"Oh yeah?" Izunami asked, her voice mischievous, "You've started hanging out with couples now?". 

"I guess. What, scared I'm gonna ditch you guys?" Yuji asked. 

"Nah, scared I was going to lose that bet." The girl said, holding an open hand out to Miyazaki. 

"Nothings been confirmed yet. Hold your damn horses." He shot back. 

Yuji raised an eyebrow. "What was this bet about now?" He asked. 

"If you'd be the first person we knew to have a threesome. Now pay up Miyazaki." Izunami said (way to casually for the fact they were public). 

"You think I did WHAT?" Yuji asked, looking around to make sure not too many people heard that. 

"Well come on." His friend said with a smile. "You're-you know-you. Resident skirt and pant chaser.". 

"What is this-1935?!" Yuji asked incredulously. "I'm not a damn 'skirt chaser'. I like to flirt.". He tried to defend himself but really there was no defense. 

"You flirt with everyone." Saito observed. Yuji narrowed his eyes. 

"I don't flirt with everybody. Maybe I just flirt with you guys." He said, wiggling his eyebrows. 

"See! There it is." Izunami said, shaking her head. "I can't take you anywhere.". 

"You still love me." Yuji said with a laugh. 

"And you're lucky for that, asshole." The girl said, shoving him gently on the shoulder while she rolled her eyes. 

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Typically Yuji liked to sneak off to his room after dinner. Patrol waited for no man, and it certainly didn't wait for dessert. 

However neither of his parents were men so a lot waited for them. 

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