13: Keep It Clean

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Shota sighed as he cast a look around the U.A infirmary. 

He had considered taking the vigilante to the on sight paramedics but Yuji had begged him not to. He didn't want to go to the hospital. He'd only get arrested. Aizawa wasn't much looking forward to a talking to from the hero commission for dragging a minor into this so he agreed. 

Yuji still had to see a doctor though so he took him the only place he could-U.A's infirmary. 

Recovery girl had just left the room to get Yuji some new clothes so he could shower before he went home and stay clean. Perks of not needing stitches. 
"What're you sighing for?" Yuji asked. "This stressing you out or something?". 

"This isn't stressing you out?" The hero asked, raising an eyebrow. Yuji laughed. It felt strange hearing him without the voice modulator. He sounded like a different person. 

But of course the words and the personality were exactly the same. 

"'Course it is." The teen said, his smile softening from a grin into something barely there, "I already had my panic attack though. There's no point in having another one.". 

Aizawa shook his head fondly and sat down in the stiff plastic and metal chair next to the hospital bed Yuji was lying in. His clothes were still ripped and covered in blood. Part of his hair was shaved off so the wound in his head could be properly cleaned and didn't get infected because Recovery Girl apparently couldn't prevent that. Yuji had just laughed and said he'd get an undercut or something. 

"I'm going to have to ask for the whole story." The hero said simply, "How did you end up here? What's your full name? How old are you really? How did you become Ghost or Night Owl or whatever you want to call yourself?". 

Yuji turned to face the man. "My full name is Namura Yuji, I'm 15 years old. First year high school student.". 

Aizawa was sickened by the thought that Yuji was the same age as his students. "As for how I ended up becoming Ghost, well its a long story.". 

"We have all night." The hero informed him. Yuji grinned a bit. It looked more like a smirk than anything else. 

"Well first things first I recently learned that my quirk was misdiagnosed." He began. Aizawa gave him a curious look. "On all my official paperwork I'm listed as having 'enhanced hearing'. Same as my mom. But I know for a fact that its not true.". 

"I learned that the hard way." He informed the teacher, "I was in a shitty situation. Got in with the wrong people, started breaking the law. Ended up running a new drug called Trigger for the Shie Hasaikai.". Aizawa tensed at that. Trigger. Hero societies number one enemy for a while now. Superpowered villains were becoming a real issue. 

"Yeah, it sounds as bad as it was. I was 14 too, so it wasn't exactly the safest.". Aizawa was horrified again. Who would hire a literal child to deliver drugs for them? 

"So one day I was out on a delivery and these weirdos cornered me outside a warehouse. Said they needed what I had on me. I thought they were trying to catch me distributing and said no. They didn't like that answer." Yuji said, staring off into space. "You ever wondered why I was so obsessed with killing those freaky Nomu's? Its 'cause those people were the ones making them. They wanted to see what the temporary kick of trigger would do to one. When I didn't comply they sent it after me. I ran but I couldn't outrun it.". 

"I injected myself with the Trigger, hoping that it would help me get away and keep them from getting it." He finished. "It did. But my quirk became permanently enhanced. My senses are dialed up well past 11. Hence why saying that I only had enhanced hearing was a misdiagnosis. They just didn't notice the rest of my senses were also hyped up.". 

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