36: How Many Walls Does A Room Have?

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"Is it just me or has the plot been so focused on my own individual arc that we've forgotten where we are in the canon?" Yuji asked, his eyes closed as he rested his head on Izuku's shoulder. The train was still jostling him to the side as it sped along, but it was more comfortable than supporting it on his own. 

"What?" Izuku asked, clearly not understanding a single word that came out of his boyfriend's mouth. 

"What?" Yuji parroted. Katsuki sighed. 

"You need some sleep, sparkles." The blond huffed, annoyed. "Take care of yourself better god damn it!". 

Izuku and Katsuki had been wondering this ever since they discovered Yuji was Ghost. How did he have so much time? When did he do everything. 

And they discovered their answer the moment the walls came down and they were dating. 

He didn't sleep much. 

For a 15 year old who should be sleeping more than the average adult, Yuji was getting significantly less. 8-10 hours was the norm, Yuji got closer to 5 on a good day apparently. It wasn't his fault of course but the world was determined to keep him awake. Whether it was noises, bright lights from trucks, smells from god knows what, it just kept him up. So he used that time to patrol the streets or make new support items. 

So they had made some plans, gotten some materials and waited patiently until Yuji finally invited them to his house. Although it was for a training session, not to just hang out, it would end up being that anyways.

When you kiss each other between sets its more of just hanging out. 

Eventually they reached Yuji's stop, and the teen must have some sort of pavlovian response to the sound of the train stopping there because immediately he was fully awake and smiling. 

"Hurry up slowpokes." He teased, bounding down the street. 

Yuji's neighborhood was certainly rougher than their own. Izuku couldn't imagine what Yuji's middle school was like, with how bad their was. Come to think of it he didn't know what his newest boyfriend's high school was like either. 

Yuji was unintentionally very secretive. He hadn't even told them what his quirk was until they had known each other for a substantial period of time and even then it was his friends talking about it, not him. 

Looking back it was pretty obvious he was hiding things so no one would be able to connect him to Ghost, but at the time they were too blinded by Yuji's all consuming personality to even think about it. 

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The gym itself looked pretty normal. Nothing as big or new as the U.A training grounds, but with more specialized equipment than they had ever seen. 

"I don't even know what some of this is for." Izuku said, staring at some of the metal bars around the room. It was a boxing gym, so some of the stuff wasn't exactly typical. 

Like the uneven bars Yuji was hanging upside down from, his legs over one side and his head over the others. "What? Is there something in my teeth?" Yuji asked, quirking an eyebrow up. 

"What part of boxing is that even for?" Izuku asked, bewildered. 

"Oh, no. These are gymnastics bars, my moms just installed them because I used the shower curtain as a-you know what we don't have to get into that one." The blue haired teen said, swinging around and landing back on the ground. "Lets begin!". 

Once they had all changed and gotten in the ring, Yuji asked what they wanted to do. 

"Spar obviously." The other two answered in unison. Yuji laughed a little. 

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