5: Test It Out For Yourself

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Yuji observed Eraserhead from afar. He had just finished stopping your every day cash register burglary in the warehouse district and was on his way to the location of a warehouse he had been wanting to check out for a while when he saw the hero perched on the exact building he was trying to get into. 

He grumbled under his breath as he started climbing the building. Dumb pro heroes and their dumb morals. 

"You had people feed me false information." The vigilante said, making sure his annoyance was audible even through the voice modulator. Eraserhead startled. 

"You scared me, kid. What are you doing slinking around?" The hero grumbled. 

"I'm not a kid." Yuji reminded him. Eraserhead rolled his eyes behind the goggles, which of course, Yuji could see clearly. "Don't roll your eyes at me." He said jokingly. 

Eraserhead touched his goggles and shook his head. "Do you have super sight or something?". 

"Or something." Yuji responded, smirking under his mask. "How's your husband?". The hero sighed at that. 

"You're not disproving my super sight theory." Eraserhead said, "And he's doing well.". 

The vigilante was shocked that he had gotten a genuine reaction. He hadn't taken Eraserhead to be the earnest type. Maybe it was just for things to do with his husband. Yuji's ma was like that. A real hard ass until his mom was involved, then suddenly she was the sappiest person on the planet. 

"Why did you have all those people lead me here?" Yuji asked, still not moving closer to where Eraserhead was crouched on the rooftop. 

"I wanted to talk to you." He said, "I have a lot of contacts in the underworld, but none are as observant as you. You know everyone and everything. And I don't even know how you know so much.". 

Yuji tried not to feel smug at that. "So I was thinking," There hero said, turning around and standing up, "I could use someone like you. You should know that as an underground hero my lines are blurred.". 

"So what? You just want me to report to you like a little boy scout? Like one of your little U.A students?". Not many people in the underground knew Eraserhead was a teacher yet, it was an advantage. And Yuji wanted all the leverage he could get. 

"Not like that. Call it an exchange of favors. I do one for you, you do one for me. We're both allowed limits though, so I wont murder someone if you ask." Eraserhead warned. 

"Aw. I thought all heroes got a 'one free homicide on the job' card. Didn't that come with you license?" Yuji joked. 

"I did not." Aizawa said sternly. 

The boy considered the offer. The league of villains had been involved with U.A before, so having an 'associate' there could get him some info he wouldn't normally have access too. 

"Alright, I'll take you up on your little offer." Yuji said, "I could use someone outside the underground to keep an eye out for some things.". 

Eraserhead looked like he wanted to ask for details, but he didn't. 

"Well we've got all night and an empty warehouse." The pro hero said, "How would you feel about sparring? I've been wanting to test your abilities for quite a while now.". 

"So does everybody else." Yuji snorted, "I'm not telling you what my quirk is.". 

"I'll find out soon enough." Eraserhead said, "Its hard not to know with a quirk like mine.". 

"We'll see." Yuji said ominously.  

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