28: The 4th Element

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This is an edit but holy shit thank you guys so much for 1.5K followers!!! 


"Oh, and Hizashi?". 

The hero spun around. He had just thanked his coworker Hound Dog for helping him with the printer and had several tests to grade. He hadn't expected a conversation. 

"I wont keep you long, I just wanted to say something." The man explained calmly. "I know, about the kid. Aizawa's I mean, if they aren't both of yours. Or your kid, if they aren't Aizawa's. Geez, what I'm trying to say is I know about the kid, so you don't have to worry about me seeing stuff I shouldn't, okay?". 

Hizashi smiled politely, gave the man a thumbs up and nodded before leaving. 

'What the fuck Sho?!' He thought as he made his way back to the teacher's office. His clunky boots echoed in the halls as he speeded towards his destination. 

Right as he reached for the handle, he thought about the situation a little. 

Of course he knew a lot about Yuji. The kid had been over for dinner several times at this point and he adored that goof ball. But he hadn't ever spoken to him one on one. 

Yet he was close enough with Shota that people (Inui) thought he was their kid. He was well aware that what that kid and his husband had was more than mentorship, more than friendship, but he felt slightly bitter about it. 

Not because he didn't like Yuji! Don't forget, he adores him! 

But he didn't actually know Yuji all that well himself. And he was sick of Shota being so secretive about the kid. It wasn't like he didn't already know the full story. 

And it seemed like Shota and Yuji's moms were all on the same page, he hadn't even been given the damn book yet! 

Hizashi pulled his hand away from the door handle, checked his phone and turned the opposite direction. 

-------------- ------------ ------------- ------------ ------------- ------------ ------------ 

"Hey kid.". 

Yuji was hanging upside down on a pull up bar. He stretched his back to he was looking Hizashi in the face, because Hizashi was behind him, and smiled. "Hiya.". 

They were in one of the training rooms and several 1-A students Yuji had become acquainted with after the cultural festival were there just hanging out. 

"I was wondering if I could talk to you, or maybe talk to both you and Shota." The man confessed. 

"Oh, okay. We can do that now." Yuji said, before spinning around so he was sitting on top of the bar and leaping down. "I'll see you guys in a bit!" He called out. 

"Sure dude!" "See ya!" Kaminari and Sero called out. 

Yuji left the room and the moment the door closed the so called 'Baku-squad', who were currently sans Bakugou, started talking. 

"Oh my god what if your theory about Mr. Aizawa and Mr. Yamada being married is true and Namura is both of their kid's?!" Mina asked. 

"Its all coming together." Kaminari agreed with a nod. "His last name must be a cover up.". 

"But why wouldn't Mr. Aizawa just tell us?" Sero asked, "Its not like its anything to hide.". 

"Maybe they're in danger? Like a villain is hunting them down!" Mina said, shocking herself with her own words. 

"Or Nomura's the product of an affair, so they don't talk about him." Kaminari added. 

"But is he Mic's or Eraserhead's? He doesn't really look like either of them but he acts more like Mr. Yamada." Sero wondered. 

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