16: Reunion Tour

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Unfortunately Aizawa's plans for somehow enrolling Yuji in the supplementary course were cast aside very quickly. 

"Mr. Aizawa you have to understand, she's in danger!" Midoriya pleaded, his eyes wide and sad. God these kids. Always messing up his plans. 

"Explain the full situation to me." Aizawa said, pinching the bridge of his nose. One of the biggest problem children had just shown up his office, on the verge of tears after only his second day at Nighteye's agency. 

"I was patrolling with Togata and we ran into a little girl. Well she ran into me, but that's beside the point." Midoriya rambled, "Basically she's Chisaki Kai's daughter, he called her that himself. Her name's Eri by the way. She was so think and covered in bandages and wearing a really tattered dress and she wasn't even wearing shoes! I thinks he's being hurt and she was clinging to be so tightly and she told me not to go but he gave her a really scary look and she went to him. But she didn't want to! And I really need your help to help her because Nighteye's not doing anything.". 

"Stop for breath once in a while kid." Aizawa said, mulling over the information in his head. 

It was pretty plain to see that the girl was in danger. Although it wasn't rare for Midoriya to get worked up about justice, this was completely different. 

This was a child. 

"I'll see what I can do kid. What info I can gather." He said vaguely. "I'll pull you and Togata aside when I have more details.". 

Midoriya nodded, looking slightly disappointed that he hadn't been told to suit up and move out immediately. Still Aizawa was at least taking it seriously. 

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Katsuki was pretty sure he was being haunted. 

That was the only good explanation. 

There had been a consistent tapping on his door for a while now, but every time he looked around there was no one there. Absolutely no one. There were no branches or anything close enough to make that sound either. 

It was freaky as shit but he was too upset at being put on house arrest and not getting his license. He was falling behind again and he hated it. 

So when the tapping noise sounded off again he rushed over to the door, threw it open and shouted at the world. 

"Whoever the fuck is doing this-shut the fuck up!" He growled. 

There was a laugh from below. A very familiar laugh, he might add. 

"Hey princess." Yuji drawled, waving from his place on the ground floor, just below the balcony. Katsuki's mouth hung open in shock. 

"What the fuck are you doing here?" He hissed, "Get lost, sparkle face!". 

"Sparkle face? I think that's a new one." The dark blue haired boy mused. "Now come on, Rapunzel, let down your hair so I can get up there.". 

"This is breaking and entering idiot." 

"No, this is an intervention." Yuji corrected. "Hurry up.". 

"I don't have shit to get you up here with. Stay down there and go home!" Bakugou shouted. 

"Well good thing my ma told me to always buy good rope." Yuji said, shrugging off his backpack. He swung the rope up to Katsuki and tied a small loop in it for his foot to go. 

"Your ma has some weird fucking advice.". 

Katsuki pulled him up with a surprising amount of effort. "You're heavy as shit." He grunted. Yuji didn't want to explain that it was because he was way more muscular than he let the average person catch on too, so he just pouted. 

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