14: Good Luck Out There

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"Namura, when did you get your hair cut?" Izuku asked, eyes wide. Yuji grinned. 

"Well I thought it was time for a change." He said with a shrug. Bakugou narrowed his eyes at him. 

"Sure, 'cause that big fucking scar screams 'I wanted to try something new'." He all but growled. Midoriya flinched and looked Yuji over, his eyes eventually landing on the scar. 

"Oh my god! What happened? Is this why we didn't see you for a little bit? I thought you said you were sick! Oh god what happened?" He was worried, really worried. After Shigaraki had seen Namura's face he was paranoid someone from the league would come after the one normal person in their life. Yuji wasn't involved in U.A at all and although they hadn't explicitly asked what his quirk was or if he even had one it didn't seem like it would be enough to defend himself. 

"Relax sweetheart." Yuji drawled, "I'm just fine. A little accident, nothing big.". 

"But it looks pretty bad." Midoriya said worriedly. It also looked a little too healed for something that happened at most three days ago on Saturday, but he didn't mention that. Maybe he went to a hospital with a healing quirk? Maybe Namura or someone he knew had a healing quirk of their own. 

"Its fine." Yuji said, looking Midoriya right in they eyes and smiling. "Don't overwork that brain of yours for me, okay? You've got U.A stressing you out enough.". 

Izuku blushed bright red and his heart started hammering in his chest. "I-I guess its just been a rough weekend for a lot of people." The green haired teen said, pointedly avoiding looking in Yuji's eyes. 

At the confused noise Yuji made, Midoriya elaborated. "Kacchan and I were watching the news on Saturday night in the dorms. These massive villains showed up and the whole class was watching because our teacher was there! And so was Ghost! One of the villain pushed him off the building and our teacher fell too but Ghost saved him and pulled them both to safety. It was so scary to watch. I was pretty sure Kacchan was going to run out there himself to save them!". 

"I was not!" Bakugou shouted, but from his expression he totally was. "Besides, Ghost did just fucking fine on his own! None of the other pros were even up there trying to stop those bastards!". 

"Kacchan really respects Ghost. Its almost like a crush." Midoriya whispered to Yuji. Both boy flustered immediately, confusing Izuku. 

But Katsuki was quick to get back at his boyfriend. "Like you don't have your own fucking crushes." He smirked. Midoriya turned into a bright red stuttering mess and slowly twitched away from Yuji. 

"Ohh an extramarital affair? I want all the details." Yuji said with a sultry smile. Bakugou clicked his tongue. 

"We're not fucking married." He retorted, not saying anything else. 

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the 'not skirt chaser' out chasing skirts." A voice called out behind them. Yuji turned around to see Miyazaki and Izunami walking up to them. 

"I reject that nick name. I'm not chasing anything, just hanging out with some of my other friends." He teased. Izunami smirked. 

"Friends, sure. The type of friends I could win a bet with?" She tested. Yuji's cheeks turned red without his permission. 

"Not in your dreams." He shot back. The girl cursed under her breath. Miyazaki smiled.

"Good, good. Keep your pants on for just a bit longer and I'll split the money I win from her with you." He said, knowing damn well he was not helping. He even smiled innocently up as Bakugou and Midoriya, who were incredibly confused. 

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