4: To See A Ghost

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"What's a sweet little murderer like you doing in a place like this?" Yuji asked, leaning against the concrete side of the alley. He was trying to do it casually, like he was in an expensive longue in a movie or something. Completely relaxed. 

Patrol had once again gotten off topic when he heard two shady looking girls whispering about how the hero killer was in the neighborhood. He couldn't just let dangerous people like that run around, so naturally he decided it was his problem to solve. 

He felt Stain's heart pick up and saw the smallest of flinches. He also heard the man lick his lips, which was not a fun sound, let him tell you.

"I suggest you leave me alone." The villain said, turning around slowly. "You're not my target, so stay out of this.".

"No can do." Yuji said, smiling under the mask. "I'm not at home to murderers.".

"We're on the same side, Ghost." Stain said, "We both are taking justice into our own hands. Do not act as if you are above me in any way. Really you should be joining me.".

"Why? Does it pay well?" The vigilante joked. "Sure, we both have our own interpretations of the law, but there's a difference between killing pro heroes and running from them.".

Stain readjusted his stance so he was facing the vigilante head on. He reached for a knife and twirled it around in his hand.

"Dude what the fuck happened to your nose?" Yuji asked, cringing under the mask. That seemed to get under Stain's skin a bit. He narrowed his eyes and glared at the kid.

"I don't want to fight you." He said, "I think you're a good hero, a true hero. Truer than most.".

"That's a damn shame." Yuji said, "I was really hoping to fight you. You know, revenge for Ingenium and all that.".

Stain seemed surprised. "Why would you want to avenge an elitist like him? He was born to a rich hero family and was practically handed his role in society the moment he decided he wanted it." The man ranted, "Aren't you outraged by that? How easy it is for the privileged few?!".

"Oh I'm sure he had a lot of problems. The whole system's fucked." Yuji acknowledged, eyeing the villain's outfit. He tried to count every knife he could see but it was soon becoming a tedious task. "But people here are scared. Scared of you. You're causing problems. People feel less safe with Ingenium gone.".

"So what, you're here to get rid of me? A child in spandex with a taser?" The villain mocked.

"Child? Oh boy, if you think I'm young how old does that make you?" He deflected. Stain furrowed his brow, wondering if he had completely read the kid wrong. He had read him completely right of course, Yuji was 15, but Stain couldn't know that.

Suddenly the kid heard something. Someone, more accurately.

So quickly Stain couldn't even track the movement he retreated to a darker part of the alley system. Silently he crawled up the fire escape.

Right on cue the pro hero Native appeared in the alley, prepared to fight. Yuji cursed under his breath and sank into the shadows around them. The hero killer looked shocked at how he had just disappeared but it wasn't a difficult trick. Yuji could sense everything, so it was easy for him  to know where normal people would and wouldn't look. 

"Stain." Native said through gritted teeth. 

"Just who I was looking for." The villain smirked, reaching for one of his swords. Yuji was anxious to help the pro hero out, but he didn't want to risk getting arrested. Besides, Native was a pro, he could handle this. 

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