19: Surprise?

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"What's your favorite colour?". 

"Hmm." Eri thought about it for a second, looking really conflicted. "Green." She answered finally. 

Yuji smiled. "Because of Midoriya?" He asked, "Or because of apples?". 

"Both." The kid said, taking another crayon from the box. Yuji had brought them from his house. 

Or rather, Aizawa had brought them from Yuji's house as it wasn't really safe for him to go there right now. If anyone working for the Shie saw him they wouldn't hesitate the call in some of the big guns to kill him. 

His moms were fine. The bike was in a locked garage, so he was the only thing that could lead them there. 

It sucked not being able to go home though. Or to school, since there were still a few kids running for the yakuza that went there. 

His friends were keeping him up to speed online while he was busy faking the seasonal flu. 

"Um...what's your favorite colour Yuji?" Eri asked, looking up at him hesitantly, like she didn't know if she could ask. 

"Yellow." The boy answered easily. "I thinks its a really cheerful colour. High visibility. And I like how warm it is.". 

Eri looked up at him with an unreadable expression. "Like your horn. Its a little yellow. Or at least its got a bit of a yellow glow to it.". 

"It does?" She asked, confused. Yuji smiled sheepishly. He shouldn't confuse her. 

"I can see things most people can't. Like the light coming from your horn. But don't worry-its a really pretty glow." He assured her, "Nothing to be ashamed about or worry about. Just your quirk doing its thing.". 

It didn't look like Eri was going to just let that go and not worry about it. Yuji could hear his mother's voice shouting at him in his head for not pointing stuff like that out. 

'Just because you can see or hear or feel it doesn't mean you have to say it!' She always reminded him. 

"Does that mean I'm using my quirk?" She asked, her tone worried. 

"Nope." Yuji assured her, "It just does that naturally. Like I said, I can only see it because of my quirk. Its not because you're using your quirk or something going on with it. It just normally glows, but its so dim no one else can see it. They probably can't even see it in the dark. But everyone glows in the dark.". 

Eri furrowed her brow. "Everyone glows in the dark?" She repeated. 

"Uh-huh. Humans naturally have a bit of bioluminescence. I have perfect night vision so I don't usually see them glow at all, but under the right conditions I can see people glow in the dark. Its really pretty.". 

"Your quirk is really cool. It lets you see all that pretty stuff." Eri said softly. Yuji smiled. 

"Its got its ups and downs. Every quirk does." He told her. The kid didn't seem like she was going to take any of that to heart just yet, but she had time. Recovering from what was done to her-it would take a long time. 

But there was no need to rush. She could take all the time she wanted. 

Maybe Yuji could convince his moms to adopt a younger sister...

--------- -------- --------- ------- -------- ---------- ------- -------------- 

At 8 am the heroes had begun their attack on the Shie Hassaikai base. 

Now, at exactly 8:37 am, Midoriya and Overhaul were facing off. 

Mirio was basically out of comission. He had avoided the quirk destroying bullets but unfortunately hadn't been able to avoid the spikes. There were several large wounds in his legs that prevented him from doing much in the way of attacking. 

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