II. A Mysterious Box on my Rug

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I woke up, not hearing my alarm. I slowly walked to reach my phone, checking the time.

I woke up 45 minutes earlier, which gives me more time to prepare before going to work.

Oh and before anything else, let me do an introduction. My name is Mitsuri Kanroji, a 25-year-old woman. I'm currently single, and i work in The KBRMR corporation.

I let 20 minutes pass, and ate just noodles for breakfast. Hey, atleast noodles are delicious.

While digging in, i heard my doorbell rang three times. "What the!? Early in the morning?" I complained with a frown, then walked up to open the door, seeing nobody outside.

Are they mocking me!? I thought, with veins popping out all over my face. Then i look down, to see a small box. "A box..?"

There was a small note. It said;

"For Mitsuri Kanroji."

"ONIG what?" I looked at the note with dead, unbelieving eyes. I took the box inside, then closed the door.

I opened it, to see about 12 Sakura Mochis laying down inside the box. "Huh?" "Huhh!?!?" I immediately took a bite, and it was delicious. Even more delicious than those at festivals.

Sakura Mochi had always been my favorite food, and it's even the reason for my hair colour. I'm not ashamed of my hair colour, though i hear lots of insults about it.

It somehow, decreases my self-esteem just a little.

Not only that but i was also born really strong for a girl. When i was 2 years old, i was able to carry a rock wider than me.

Of course, my parents was shocked, but was disappointed of me. I don't understand, why would they be disappointed of having a strong child. Just because i'm a girl?

Well anyways, they left me alone in the city, anyway. It was just when i was 12, I suddenly woke up in our house, without my parents.

I was lucky enough that we owned the lot, and i was mature enough to know how to sell our house. Of course, with the help of my neighbors.

I decided to bring the Sakura Mochi box to work, and i shared some to Shinobu. She was my best friend, after all. Her parents even insisted to pay my tuition fee.

I owe her my life right now. But when i mention it, she shrugs it off and tells that it's fine and that i don't need to pay her.

She's an angel, though Tomioka calls her a devil-in-disguise. Her sister was also my friend, Kanae. Kanae was the one who asked her parents to pay my tuition, just so i don't have to worry about bills.

I was only young, afterall. It was all thanks to Shinobu's family. Shinobu even came to work in this companyーeven though she's already rich, just to be with me.

"So, you just saw this box on your rug this morning? And don't know who it came from?" I nodded, pouting. She smiled and laughed at me.

But i remembered the note. "Shinobu-chan, there was a note there as well. It said it came from- uhh..-" I hesitated.

Should i try to pronounce it? Or do i say the letters? "Uhm, O-N-I-G." After i said that, she tilted her head.

"Is that some kind of code or something? Maybe an acronym?" She suggested, raising her hand and pointing out and wiggling around her index finger.

I thought for a second, considering her suggestion. "Maybe.." I muttered, which i hope she heard.


"Could it possibly a secret admirer?" I spit on my coffee, well luckily not on the keyboard. "No wayy~!" I denied, smiling awkwardly.

She started laughing. "If it is, then i'm glad someone has their eyes on you. What's more is this box is definitely luxurious."

"It is!?"

"Yep, didn't you see this silver bracelet?" She took out a beaded bracelet from the corner of the box inside, which definitely shocked me.

"I didn't notice that!" I took it from her hand. "It's sooo beautiful!!!" I exclaimed, hugging it to my chest. I could hear Shinobu giggling at my excitement.

An Everyday Sakura Mochi (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now