VIII. A First Date

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And so, I found myself in a massive garden. With a table right infront of me, having a plate of sakura mochis on top of it. "I'm sorry, a friend is borrowing my car right now, so I can't bring you out." Honestly, this is already a lot given that he's damn rich and i'm just his employee.

"It's totally fine! This is already a lot!" I assured him, still admiring the garden's beautiful view. There was a fountain in the exact middle, while we were under the shades of his back door's roof.

On the opposite side, there were hedges of bushes and a few trees naturally grown. It makes me question why I'm even here, or I might just look like I'm taking advantage of his wealth.

Even so, I honestly wouldn't want to look like that so I'd be careful to not feel too much at home. This is still my boss's home.

"Or do you prefer to walk? We can walk somewhere near."
"Is it fine, Iguro-san?"
"Yeah. Of course." he answered, gazing at the sky. His left arm on the table while his right hand was holding the grip of the cup of coffee.

After a while, he lent his hand over the table, signalling me to take a hold of it. Which when I did, he helped me get up. "What about these?" I pointed at the cups of coffee.

Well I regret asking that. Of course, he has maids who can just bring those inside for him. He just said the same thing. He signalled we'd come outside the gate, which we did. He didn't let go of my hand, even the farther we walk. I would even admit we do look like a couple.

Since I have a pretty high stamina, we've been walking for about 13 minutes now. I could estimate we've walked a mile far now. I don't even know where we're heading. Iguro is the one leading the way.

After a few more minutes, we stopped infront of a small place which I could guess it looks like a restaurant.

The massive windows were blocked by curtains, as if this restaurant was closed or something. There was nothing outside, except the plants right beside the door on both sides.

"Let's go in. I rented this privately." Huh? when did he?

I only nodded, despite what i've just questioned about earlier in my mind. As I followed him, he opened the door, which revealed a pretty wide room. There was only one table with two chairs.

Atleast that's what I can see. The lights were still off.

Then, I felt him let go of my hand, and took something out of his pocket. He leaned the thing to the table.


Was what I heard, before I saw the table clearly. What he did was, he lighted a candle. There were two plates, two pairs of utensils, two glasses, two handkerchiefs.

And so, the whole room finally lit up, which revealed a very fancy room. You could already say this is worth more than 50,000円.

When we'd sat down, a door nearby opened to reveal a man I know. "T-tomioka-san?" He didn't respond. Instead, he put a grilled steak dish with rice on our plates.

"You know him, Kanroji?"
"Uh yes.. he's my friend's boyfriend." I answered, earning an "I see." from him. "Giyuu is a colleague and a friend of mine." He added, finally touching the steak with his fork and knife.

I've never thought they'd be even close. If so, then he might probably know about Shinobu. Well, most likely. He probably even attended the wedding and I just didn't notice him.

I'm not that close to Tomioka, either. Though i'm not awkward with him, too. We're like,

Mutual friends, I guess.

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