X. A Sudden Reunion Infront of Iguro

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I'm a hundred-percent sure that it's them. These two, fifty-year old couple. My parents, Futaba Kanroji and Yuuta Kanroji.

My mind was clearly blanked out, my eyes were very dilated at the sight of them showing up at such a timing. I could hear Iguro asking me for the nth time, if I know them. However, I only stared at them, which they gave back with the same expression as me.

To think that I'd run into them, after they left me as a twelve year old girl, leave the house to me. All when I was only a mere child. "Mitsuri, is that.. really you?" That question wrapped me up to reality.

To realize what had happened.
"Kanroji for the sixteenth time, do you know them?"
"No, I don't." Was what I said, wearing a serious face. Completely as if i'd never smiled my entire life.

"N-no, Mitsuri! Please hear us out!" My father plead, that I could see guilt all over their face.

Even so, what they did was still unforgivable. It's just that I never told the police, because if I did, I'd be transferred to an orphanage. I was despite that, loved by our neighborhood and my decision was completely respected. Our neighbors told nothing to the police.

Well, I ended up letting them speak up anyway. Sometimes, my heart is so soft that I hate it.

"I know what we did was bad, very bad. That's why we came to ask for your forgiveness. We'll do anything." As my father said that, he and my mother knealed down the grass.

I don't know, but i'm the one feeling guilty. Why would I be guilty, anyway? They should be ones guilty here. I can't just let my emotions take over me.

Like I thought earlier, what they did was unforgivable.

Even so, i'm happy they didn't get divirced. They even had another child, which is definitely my sister. "Uhm.. what's the name of the baby girl?" I don't know why I asked that.

That was very random, yet it could atleast change the atmosphere. I'm even very sorry that Igurp had to witness this. I saw my mother wear a small smile, and her lips began to part.

"Her name is Mitsuha. Not the one from Kimi no Nawa." I gave them an "I see" and looked back to Iguro. Honestly, I didn't know he would be so focused on our conversation.

I can't read him, ever. I don't know what he's thinking. Not an idea.

Recalling it, i've heard he also lost his parents. Actually, his parents lost him. All I know was that his parents were toxic, nothing else.

He might be thinking that I'm lucky for having to meet my parents after a long time. Maybe. I could never know.

Third Person

Obanai was only there, watching the family talk to eachother as they have their reunion after more than eleven years of not seeing eachother.

He was envious of her, witnessing this. Of how she could finally meet her family, and clear their own family issues as a family themselves. Obanai has always wished, if he could also see his parents.

However, it is not possible.

A young boy was shown, hiding behind their sliding door, as his parents continues arguing.

His name was Obanai, Iguro. A young boy who grew up in such a traumatic household. Every day, every night, you'd here breaking of glass, screams and cuss words if you'd lived here.

He did not deserve this. Despite so, he's always loved his parents, and despite any issues, he had never planned to run away or atleast tell the police. However, all this was ruined when everything had suddenly went too far.

"What do you know about me, huh!?"
"We are married! I know every single shit about you, bitch!"
"Exactly! We have a child and all you do is get drunk like everyday. You don't even bother to strive for our family! You're a useless fat-"

Not so long, he'd heard a loud, yet somehow a clean thrust of a knife. Slowly, Obanai turned his head to the living room, just to see his worst nightmare ever.

There, he saw his father laying right on top of his mom, both on the couch. The father's hair was covering his face, yet he knew what expression his father wore at that time. Anger. Denial. Guilt. Sorrow. Despise. Hatred. A lot more had shown, yet they were all negative emotions.

His father held a knife on his right hand, which was stabbed deep into his mother's chest. Most definitely, it hit her heart. Obanai felt hopeless. Because of this, he immediately ran away to the back door. He left unnoticed by his father, when immediately he'd seen most of his neighbors already crowding infront of their home. Police cars were also starting to drive to their place, as he ran away with tears leaving his eyes as he takes huge steps into the alleys.

"I'm so sorry you had to witness that!" Mitsuri did a ninety degrees bow for the eighth time now. "I'm telling you, it's fine.. As long as you and your family is fine now."

Mitsuri smiled brightly and unhesitatingly jumped to hug him tightly she suddenly worried he couldn't breathe. Obanai on the other hand, wore a smile under his mask and hugged her back.

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