VI. The Unflamboyant Comeback

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"You've been looking forward to the boxes? That's great." It was the guy I least expected to see infront of my door.

It's the same guy from before. The guy I went on a blind date with, whom however rejected me because of my hair color. Why would he be in here? Why does he send me sakura mochi boxes every morning?

He smiled at me. "Long time no see, Mitsuri-san." Ogane Igarashi. I mean it does make sense.

O g a N e I G a r a s h i

"What do you want from me?"
"It's simple. Marry me."
"Are you stupid? You're the one here who rejected me, weren't you!?" I frowned my eyebrows, disgustingly looking at his face.

"I regret it. Come on. I was just joking when I said that only animals would marry you." His smile widened more and more, but the more it widen, the more I became alert from his presence.

I could sense he's become a drug addict, or something close to that. "Mitsuri, come with me, I'll give you the amount of money you want." "I don't need your money!"

Then, he sighed. Right after, I felt a tight grip on my hand, and I was immediately pushed in my room. "Huh?"

"Where's your keys? lock the door, he's gonna come in." It was Iguro. Okay but why are people I don't expect to see, come infront of my room? "Iguro-san!?"

I immediately took the keys from my coat that was hanging beside the door. "I live in this apartment." Was all he said, then leaned against the wall right after I locked the door.

"Why do you live in an apartment? Aren't you realllyyyy rich to afford a big mansion?" I earned a laugh when I said that. "Yeah, people say that a lot. Just thought this is the best I could do to live similar to average."

Weird. If you have the money to buy anything you want, then why bother sticking to a nornal life? Maybe he has a reason, just like Shinobu. Since Shinobu also joined a normal company as an employee. And her reason was to be with me.

We could hear a few bangs of Igarashi's fist against my door. Though after a few minutes, he gave up and probably left. "Kanroji."

I looked at him and made a 'huh' sound unattemptedly. "Don't listen to him."

"What do you mean, Iguro-san?"

"It was me who put boxes on your rug every morning."

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