IV. My Imperfection

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"Uhm.. so, Iguro-san.. why did you call for me?" He insisted I call him that, instead of 'boss'. Right now, we've sat down, him on his office chair and me across him, on another chair.

He looked me in the eyes, but immediately looked away after. "My assistant needs to take a break due to family issues. I was wondering if you could take her position for a while."

Well, that's shocking. I have no idea why he'd picked me out of all employees he have in this building. "I-is it really fine!?" I asked, with hesitation built up in my voice.

All he did was nod, which helped me calm down. "Well, if you wish! I'll gladly take this job!" I exclaimed, with a promising smile.

Silence dominated the room. I swear though, I can feel his gaze staring down my soul. I averted my pupils to his direction.

Now, I just realized how cute he actually is. Not only his eyes, but even his attitude is very clean!

He's totally my type!

Still, this guy infront of me, which I guess I've just fallen inlove with, is my boss. If I'm not mistaken, Iguro is 27 years old, which makes him two years older than me.

"Umm.. Iguro-san.." I started, desperately breaking the silence. "Hm?" He gripped his hand on the cup of coffee. "Can I ask a question?"

I've never asked my co-workers this question. Since they'd only feel bad, and probably even lie about what they really think. "As much as possible, please be honest," I said, looking down at the edge of the desk, tapping my index onto it continuously. "What do you think of my hair?"

I don't know if this question was weird to him, or something. I just wanted to hear an honest opinion.

"I think it's cute. Especially the color." My eyes widened from what he'd said. No one's ever called my hair cute, well except for my friends.

I looked at him in his eyes, which was looking at the laptop screen infront of him. My eyes felt softened, I felt very touched. The way he said it sounded so genuine.

My lips curved to a soft smile, right after he looked back at me. Though after two seconds, he looked down again.

He placed his hands behind his head, then I saw the mask fall off. When he'd catched it, he looked back at me once again, which made me confused. "It's just like what you said earlier;"

"Your imperfections are the ones that make you perfect."

We said that in unison, while gazing at eachother's eyes. Little did he know that I was very flustered when that happened.

So I wore a cheerful smile, and laughed for the sake of covering my blush. He gave back the smile.

Shinobu, I'm inlove.

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