III. My Boss's Imperfection

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A co-worker of mine, Sakuha, told me that our boss was calling for me. This is really, really nerve-wrecking. Even though i'm pretty sure I didn't do anything wrong.

I've been working in the company for almost a year now, but i've never seen our boss around. It's only his secretary that does social works for him.

Therefore, this will be my first time of meeting and talking to him in person.

As the elevator door slid open, I walked out making no sound at all. To prevent distracting employees.

I stood infront of the office, and exhaled heavily. I gripped my hand onto the door knob, along with a knock.

No response.

With no choice, I had to open it. Slowly opening the door, I took a small peek. However, I saw no one. Was the boss not here? They told me he was, though.

I opened it overly, revealing nobody in the office. I stood there, hands dropped, along with my jaw.

Nobody was there at all. There was only a desk with an office chair. On the desk, there was one vase, a laptop and a cup of coffee.

There was also a cabinet and a bookshelf on the left side of the room. To think that the boss's room was this simple.

Looking around more, I noticed a door near the far corner, across the massive window.

Of course, the dumb and curious Mitsuri, AKA me, carefully walked there. I tried to not make any noise with my steps. And since i'm the great Mitsuri, I managed to pull it off.

I gripped the door knob, and opened it. My jaw dropped for the second time today, with what I saw.

There, I saw a man, about 5'6 tall. He was holding some kind of scarf-like mask. I don't even know how to describe it. I've never seen such a thing.

His head turned to me, and I was SLIGHTLY shocked for what I saw. He had nasty scars all around his cheeks.

Though, I liked his eyes. It was heterochromic. I've always wanted such beautiful eyes.

He immediately covered his mouth, to hide it. "I- I deeply apologize for coming in without permission!!" I started bowing 90° continously.

"It's fine. Don't tell anyone.. please." I never thought our boss would even be this polite. I've seen lots of romantic love stories where the boss was some cold, handsome, mean bad boy whatsoever.

I lift my head up to face him again. His head was turned to me, but his eyes was looking somewhere else. "I'm truly sorry."

"Also, please don't expect that I think of your scars as ugly!" I wore a smile. He seemed embarrassed, after all. I wanted to cheer him up atleast a little.

"I believe your eyes are really pretty and attractive! My best friend once told me that your imperfections are the ones that make you perfect!" I lightened my smile more and more, recalling when Shinobu-chan told me that.

Then, I saw his lips curved up to a smile. "Thank you, you must be Kanroji. You were one of my best employees." His smile was beautiful.

I heard his family abused him and was the reason for his scars. Though I didn't expect the rumours would be true.

This was a shocking revelation.

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