IX. The Baby Looks Like Me!

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As we'd walked out of the fancy restaurant, he grabbed my hand again. I didn't mind that. Instead, I'm overly embarrassed, given by the fact that we're not even a couple. Yet. I guess.

I even almost forgot that we even confessed to each other at the same time! EEK!! Damn it! My mind is so dominated.

Once more, I even skipped work today. Shinobu must be worried. Then so, I tried asking him. All he answered was that it's all fine, and that he'll slip it for now since 'we're on a date'.

Yeah, that's what he said. I'm not really that used to not attending an everyday responsibility. Such as school, work, etc, since i've been used to attending them as my *almost* everyday routine.

We've reached a park, specifically a park that brings me memories. This was where me and Shinobu used to visit most of the time when we were in middle school. She'd even insist to pay for the ice cream.

I missed those times. Well, we can't help it. Everybody grows up.

Iguro told me to sit on the bench, while I wait for him while he's buying crepes from a nearby stall.

As I turn my head from left to right continously, a bunch of views would have caught my attention from time to time. Like that family of three, walking together holding hands. And two teenagersーwho seemed to be a couple, having a simple picnic on the grass.

Even so, what really had made my eyes locked onto it, was a nearby stroller. It was colored maroon, and it seemed nobody was with the baby.

After a few minutes, nobody had yet to arrive and take the baby home. Iguro came back as well, with two crepes on his both hands. He'd questioned me why I was 'dozing off', which well I answered truthfully and told him about the stroller.

We came to where the stroller was, and looked at the baby. I could even distinguish myself that it's a girl. She had green eyes, which looked a lot like mine.

She was wearing a dango-patterned cloth, and even had a pacifier on her mouth. Even so, there's only either her parents lost her, or that she was.. abandoned.

Despite that, I only found myself strolling around the baby along with Iguro, who seemed to also not know what was happening. "Kanroji, are you sure about this?"
"Of course!" I smiled, staring and poking the baby's cheeks every once in a while.

"A lost baby!! This baby has green eyes, and wears a dango-patterned cloth and a pink coloured pacifier!!" I'd shout that every 10 seconds, but nobody had approached us until now.

Which well, is very concerning.

However, after a few minutes of effort, a couple finally approached us. Still, the sun was blocking my access to view their faces. But I still heard their "Thank you!" so it's fine. "Please be careful with your daughter next time." I hear Iguro say.

Only after a few seconds had I finally received a clear view of their faces.

I've seen they're pretty shocked as well. "Huh.."


"Is that.. really you?"

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