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⚠️ TW: mention of blood, murder, and too much cursing

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⚠️ TW: mention of blood, murder, and too much cursing

"Fuck, why isn't she answering?"

I aggressively throw my phone on my table after running my hands on my face. I have dialed my sister 5 times now and none of my calls were answered.

"What's the matter, (y/n)?" I glanced at my coworker who was putting lipstick on her pale lips.

"Yuki's not answering."

"Hm, that's kinda strange."

I nodded. "Yeah, haven't she called you? She left me a missed call earlier."

"Not a single one. Maybe she's mad because you haven't answered her call," she giggled.

"As if she will be mad by that," I rolled my eyes while I zipped my bag close. "Anyways, I'm gonna go now. I still need to go to the grocery."

"Okay, babe. Be careful!"

"You too!"

I left my office and called a cab to take me to the grocery. I checked my wristwatch and read 9 pm. I leaned on my back and sighed. I checked my phone if she at least texted me but there's nothing.

I don't want to think some negative but her actions make me sick. She was never like this. Well, she might be to anyone but never to me.

I paid and thanked the driver before getting out of the cab. I went inside the store and grabbed everything I need. I decided to take a walk since the grocery is just a walking distance from our home.

As I walk nearer to our house, I couldn't help but feel nervous. I can sense by the aura of our house that something is going on.

"Yuki?" I called as I throw my stuff on the couch. No one answered.

I rushed to check every room but there was no sign of her. At this time, my heart beats so fast as if my heart wanted to get out of my chest.

With my trembling hands, I opened the back door and saw something familiar. It's Yuki's phone. I picked it up and saw my missed calls and texts.

"Why is this here?" I muttered as my eyes landed on our fence. Part of it was broken like someone just broke it.

Robbery. That's the first thing I thought. But after checking the whole house, nothing is missing. Even Yuki's phone was still here.

I went to the fence. Our backyard connects to a small road. It was a little bit dark since some of the lamp posts are broken.

Not so far away, I saw a piece of a slipper and a trail of blood. I felt my heartbeat fast, I feel like I'm going to go crazy.

This couldn't be hers.

I followed the small drops of red liquid and it led me to an alley where only a single lamp post lights the area.

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