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I was the one who drove us back to the headquarters since Sanzu is still high at the moment

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I was the one who drove us back to the headquarters since Sanzu is still high at the moment. He might be a good driver but he's careless as fuck when he hits drugs.

“It's so hot,” He huffed and starts to loosen his tie.

“Want to open the windows?”


As soon as the windows are open, Sanzu let out a sigh. I glance to see him close his eyes and lean comfortably on the seat. The beads of sweat and disheveled hair turned me on so I quickly focused my eyes on the road.

“You did great earlier. I'm so fucking proud!” He cheered, a big grin appearing on his face.

“I learned from the best.” I winked at him.

Sanzu chuckled lowly as he brought his hand to grip my thigh. I look at him in the mirror and saw him looking too, biting his lips.

He went closer to kiss me on my neck while his hand do the job on my thigh.

“Do you want a reward after we get back?”

I pushed him away playfully and laughed.

“As tempting as that sounds, Mikey ordered me to visit one of our clubs since Koko is checking the other one.”

“Work again? Tch, at least stay with me for an hour!” He said while lighting a cigarette.

Damn, he looks so hot. This time, I was the one who teased him. I put my hand on his crotch and caress it softly earning a grunt from the pink-haired gentleman.

“Why don't we take a stopover, hm?”

Once we arrived back at the headquarters, I immediately prepared for my next job. I went to Mikey's office first to advise him.

“All you have to do is to check everything. Report instantly if you find something or someone suspicious,” Mikey explained.

“Copy that, Mikey.”

“Good. You're dismissed.”

As soon as I left his office, Sanzu greeted me with crossed arms and a serious face.

“Are you going all by yourself?” He asked.

“Yes. It's not like a heavy and dangerous task.”

“I'll go with you.”

I frowned at him.

“No, you stay here and take a rest. Mikey gave this job to me and only–”

“Really? In the middle of the night?”

I look straight into his eyes and gave him a disappointed look.

“What club operates in the daytime?”

Sanzu kept his mouth shut and instead, rolled his eyes.

“You're still high, Sanzu. Go back to your room and get a fucking sleep.”

I shove him away and started walking. It just annoys me to think that he still doesn't trust me working alone.

“(y/n)!” He called, his voice was too loud that caught some of the member's attention.

I kept on ignoring him until I reached the exit. I went straight to my car and drove right away to my destination.

“Good evening, Madam.”

The guards greeted me before opening the doors for me. It was the strong smell of alcohol and faint sweat that welcomed me. Everyone is wild. I shove everyone on my way and went to the counter to get a bit of breathing.

“What a wonderful evening, Madam! You here for a drink?” The usual barista hired said. He always greets me with a big smile while mixing drinks.

“Good evening. No, I'm just here for some business matters,” I smiled back.

I checked every corner of the club. I talked to the people who managed everything and everyone here. So far, all is fine and good. Nothing suspicious and disturbing.

“Do you want to stay in the room for a moment, Madam?” One of the staff asked me.

“No, I'll be leaving too as soon as I finish my report.”

She nodded politely before continuing her job.

While I was busy with my job, I noticed that someone is about to come by over with two drinks in his hands.

“Hey, you seemed lonely,” He grinned.

I just looked at him, trying to familiarize his face.

“Leave me the hell alone,” I hissed.

“Ohh, feisty. I like you,” He remarked which I just completely ignored.

“You want a drink perhaps? You know, so you can be refreshed while doing whatever you're doing,”

“I said, leave me the hell alone.”

“Calm down, kitten. I'm just trying to be kind and friendly!” He laughed as he raised his hands in the air in the act of surrender.

“Hey! Don't you know who's the person you're bothering?” The barista came to the rescue and shooed away the stranger who had just watched us.

“It seems like he doesn't know who I am.”

I packed all of my stuff and stood up from my seat. I confront the stranger and sent daggers into his eyes.

“Well, I'll be going now.”

“Have a safe ride, Madam!”

I looked back at the guy and saw him giving me a smirk as he raise the glass of suspicious drink.

I knew he saw my tattoo yet he kept on pushing himself toward me. Everyone in this place knows who the Bonten is. The fact that he's not even drunk or high made him more suspicious.

“Whoever he is, I pray for him.”

“Didn't you see that tattoo on her chest? That's Bonten!”

The barista scolded the guy who seemed to be not interested in listening.

“Never dare to be near them. Are you new here?”

The guy stood up from the stool and rolled his eyes in annoyance at the barista.

“Keep the change.”

He left a couple of dollars on the counter, shocking an innocent barista, before leaving the club.

As soon as he entered his car, he began to call someone. A smile slowly crept on his face.

“Boss, it's confirmed. She's number two's  bitch.”


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