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short chapter ahead!

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short chapter ahead!

For some reason, the guy earlier gives me the vibes that I don't like. I'm not sure if I'm gonna tell Mikey. He sounds just like a high stranger who got fascinated by my look and decided to flirt with me or something.

I was on my ride home when my phone rang. I check it and saw Sanzu's face ID on the screen.


“Koko's injured. Get back immediately.”

I was about to ask him what happened but he quickly ended the call. I gripped the steering harder and drove my car at high speed.

As soon as I arrived, I rushed towards the lobby and found everyone.

“What happened?” I said as I come closer to see Koko's state. He looks wasted. There's blood all over his body.

“The club got bombed,” Mikey answered.

My face turned into a frown.

“Bombed? How'd that happen?” I began to help Kakucho and Mucho treat Koko's wounds and injuries. Luckily, he's not shot. He just had a lot of scratches and deep cuts.

“I think someone planted it,” Koko hissed.

“We're the greatest enemy of the world but this is the first time someone made a dirty move like planting shitty bombs,” Ran addressed.

“Hm, whoever planned it, they sure know who's there targeting,” Sanzu added, irritation can be seen on his face.

I can't think of anything to say so I just focused on treating Koko's wounds. However, the bombing bothers me. Whoever they are targeting, they want them dead. 

“Thank you, I'm feeling a bit better now,” The white-haired man said.

“Take a rest, for now, we will discuss about this tomorrow,” Mikey announced and everyone started to leave except Mikey, me, and Sanzu.

“Let's go, (y/n). You'll be sleeping with me,” Sanzu said, staring at me with his sleepy eyes.

“I need to hear the reports first,” Mikey protested.

“Let her rest, Mikey.”

There occurs silence. Both of them are just looking at each other.


“Okay then. 7 pm, in my office.”

Bonten’s leader remarked before turning around to walk away. I watch in awe. What the hell is happening? Everything is so weird now.

“Come on.”

Sanzu grabbed my hand and dragged me to his bedroom.

We both lay down on his king-sized bed. He covered us with his duvet. Sanzu clung to my body to warm himself more. He nuzzled his face on my neck while his arm is draped over my stomach and his leg is tangled on my waist.

I felt my cheeks burn. We may have slept with each other and done things but this feeling is quite new. He's giving me warmth and sincerity.

I ran my fingers on his soft, pink hair and the other drawing random symbols on his arm.

I love this feeling.

“You know, it scared the fuck out of me hearing what happened to Koko,” he muttered, his hot breath giving tingles on my skin.

“Me too.”

“No, I'm scared because what if you're the one Mikey assigned in that fucking club? You're the one who will get injured.”

I looked down at him. His eyes were closed and his breathing is kinda unsteady.

“That will be much okay, right?” I smirked and saw his eyes flash open.

“If you're going to die, I'll be the one to kill you.”

I stare at the depth of his blue eyes. It sparkles like the ocean under the moonlight. Just as I realized, Sanzu really is beautiful and handsome.

I cupped his cheek and caress the diamond scar on the corner of his lips. He kept his stare at me and so do I.

“You're saying things only because you're high,” I whispered.

“What if I tell you that I mean all of them?”

My eyes fell on his lips.

“You loss again,” he smirked before smashing his lips on mine.


“That bitch really is lucky, huh.”

A fine-looking man with rolled tobacco in his hands said.

“I think their leader switched her with Hajime, sir,” one of the goons explained.

“I know, I'm not fucking stupid, you retard.” He throws the lit tobacco at the guy and lands on his foot.

He stood up from his swivel chair and went to a bulletin board where Bonten and (y/n)'s pictures are pinned.

“My, my, princess. Did Bonten get fond of you now?” 

 Did Bonten get fond of you now?” 

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