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I felt my body tense the moment he said it

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I felt my body tense the moment he said it. I sighed then followed it with a laugh. I don't know if I should believe him. I don't know who to believe anymore.

“My dad's dead. Let the old man rest for fuck's sake!”

“You asked me a question, I gave you the answer.”

“Why should I believe a stranger like you?” I looked him straight in the eyes.

“Because your dad is not dead, he is my—”

My world shook when a loud bang echoed inside the club. I looked at the man and saw him shot dead by two bullets in his forehead.

Everyone started running for their lives and the club went even wild.


That's when I heard him call my name.

I looked up to see Sanzu holding his pistol. His eyes are open wide and the frown on his face cannot be painted. He searched for me.

He walked towards me, shoving off the people out of his way.

“What the fuck are you doing here?” I growled.

“I'm the one who's supposed to ask you that, woman.”

“Why, can't a whore like me go to the fucking club?”

I saw him gulp. He held my arm and pulled me up on my seat.

“Let go of me!” I budge from his grip. He didn't say anything and just kept on dragging me to the exit.


“You’re drunk, (y/n), let's go home.”

“I don't want to be with anyone, even with you.

I felt his grip loosen as we stop in our tracks. I didn't notice that we are already on the outside, standing beside his car. There was a sober feeling that came rushing to me.

“You know what my wrong is? I trusted you, to the fact that I became attached to you.”

He turned around to face me and insisted on letting me go. The moment I saw his face, I burst out crying.

“What do you mean?”

“I already knew you're planning so don't act like you know nothing.”

He looked away for a minute. That gesture says everything.

“What did Mikey do to you?”

“We fuck,” I chuckled. “Then he told me about your plan. The one's targeting me is one of your greatest enemies and you're just using me to get them.”


“I thought it was destiny that lead you to me, but it was just Mikey’s orders.”

I stare at his face. He was just looking at me, reading my face, and listening to my rants. 

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