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Ever since the day when Mikey talked to me, Sanzu never left my side

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Ever since the day when Mikey talked to me, Sanzu never left my side. He became more clingy and needy every single time. Even when it comes to my missions, he would sneak off just to come with me.

At first, it confused me. Sanzu adopted me to be his slave, to be his dog. He was just a psycho addicted to drugs and killing people and he trained me to be a person like him to give my sister her justice.

I became a part of his organization, Bonten. Mikey doesn't agree in the beginning because they don't know anything about me except to be just one of Sanzu's dolls.

I proved them wrong by joining their businesses. I've changed to be like them and it scared me the moment that it made me feel good.

However, Mikey told me that he still can't take me to be officially a part of Bonten that's why he made a deal. Once the justice has been served, I will leave them.

But sometimes, I always came up with the thought to just stay here forever and be with Sanzu.

He's the one whom the devil sent to be with me when I need someone. He helped me and make me the woman I am right now.

He's the only person that's left in my life.


"Ugh, S-Sanzu...faster..."

The slapping of our skin is like a melody in my ears. Sanzu moaned and bit my ear causing me to scratch his back.

His hips pounded faster making our breathing and heartbeat unstable.

"Mmmm...I'm gonna...gonna cum...fuck..."

I met his celestial eyes. It was full of lust and sparkle. His disheveled hair and swollen agape lips give the butterflies on my stomach what they want.

I caress the scar on the corner of his mouth as he kept on feeding my inner thigh with himself.

"You look so fucking hot," I whispered. He sucked my thumb and closed his eyes.

"That's because you're fucking hot under me,"

After he said that, we both came. Sanzu dropped himself on top of me as we both catch our breath. I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him tightly.

"Is there a matter? Do you want round three?"

I shivered as he spoke on my neck.

"Please, you're still inside me. Stop talking shit like that."

His body vibrates as he chuckled.

"You're so sensitive. I like you so much."

I frowned and felt my cheeks heat up. He never confessed to me like that.

"Y-you like me?"

He raised his head to see me. His face is very serious. Neither of us didn't talk. I study his face, he wasn't showing any emotions.

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