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f l a s h b a c k s

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f l a s h b a c k s

“So, this is where you live?”

The guy who saved me asked. He was looking at the picture displays of me and my family while I pack all of my belongings.

“Y-yeah. I'm sorry, we're not that rich. We're just a simple family,” I shyly respond which made him frown.

“What are you sorry for? It doesn't matter anyway, you're gonna live with me soon.” He cheered.

I only gave him a small smile.

“Are you all good?” He asked.


“Only one bag?” He questioned. I blushed.

“I-I don't have any stuff besides my clothes and important papers.”

I heard him chuckle.


He grabbed my bag and held my wrist as he lead me away from our house.

“Damn, you're learning fast!”  Sanzu yelled as he watch me shot all the bullseye using his pistol.

“I did it!” I grinned as I realized what I'd accomplished. I dropped the pistol and run towards Sanzu who caught me immediately.

“You see that? I did it!” I laughed as I cup his cheeks. I stare at his ocean eyes. He only smiled. I blushed when I realized our position.

“S-sorry! I'm just...really happy.”

I was about to get down but he stopped me by lifting my butt.

“I like having you near me so just stay, yeah?”

I felt my cheeks flush. I looked away from him to hide it but he just chuckled.

“Wanna go to my room?” He whispered after planting a kiss on my neck.

“(y/n), Sanzu’s out of control again. It's getting annoying.”

I looked up from my paperwork to see Kokonoi’s irritated face. After that, we heard a sound as if someone had just broken a vase or something.

“Argh, fine,” I sighed as I left my job for Bonten’s number two.

As soon as I got out of my office, there I saw the crazy little thing. No one seemed to be bothered by it except Koko. Kakucho’s been cleaning the broken vase.

“Finally, someone to shut the fucking ass of that addict,” Ran sighed.

“(y/n)! There you are!”

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