ao. two

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Chapter Two


❝ Years Later, and I'm Five ❞

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Years had passed, and Athanasia finally reached the age of five years old. To say the least, everyone in the palace knew that she likes chocolate that much and the color gold, and maybe gold itself as well. That is why, on her fifth birthday, even if the Ruby Palace's budget was low, they made Athanasia a small birthday party. With a gold motif, and chocolate desserts and cakes.

In her past life, people couldn't care less when it's her birthday. Only Lily cared, and bakes her a simple chocolate cake. Year after year after year, her birthday was just as simple as how commoners celebrate their birthday. She can't help but envy her sister, Jennette, who always had a big party at her palace, the Emerald Palace where princesses resides.

But envying the lovely princess are not worth it right now. Because now, Athanasia have to blow her cake candles for a wish.

"Blow the candles, princess." Lily softly said as a maid held the cake to her height.

"Yes, make a wish too princess!"
"Make a wish!"

'I wish for me to live a long life without any problems.' Athanasia wished as she leaned over to the cake. 'I wish for that to happen..'

Many of her maids exclaimes as she inhaled deeply and blew the candles out. Everyone in the room clapped as they all exclaim "Happy birthday, princess!" and Athanasia can't help it but feel happy. She was grateful that in her new life, alot of people care about her.

Every maids in the palace celebrated as Athanasia ate her favorite chocolate cake. She was happy that someone made effort at her birthdays. Last year, it was a rose motif and the year before that was a chocolate party. But deep inside her, Athanasia can't help but to feel sad.

As it was the day of her birth, it was also the day of her mother's death. She died of childbirth. Athanasia didn't knew the reason why she died when she was a healthy kid, and she's pretty sure her mother too. 'I hope you are doing well in your rebirth, mother..' Athanasia thought as she sadly smiled for a moment and continued eating her cake.

The party lasted for hours, and just like what it was meant to be, Athanasia felt happy at the end of the day. Since Athanasia is still a child, she was guided by Lilian to her bedroom and sang her a lullaby to sleep. Lily have a great voice, thus, making Athanasia love to hear Lily sing her goodnight lullaby. Even though she's older on the inside, she can't help but to be a child infront of everyone.

"Goodnight, princess. May you have sweet dreams tonight." Lily tucked Athanasia in as she turned the lamp off and exited the bedroom. Which made the princess all alone in the dark.

"Night Lily." Athanasia softly whispered as she looked at the door where Lilian left.

'I wonder how he and Jennette reacted.' Athanasia can't help but think of it as she turned over. 'Oh, silly me. I forgot that they didn't know i returned back into time.' Athanasia softly chuckled as she turned over to the other side once again. 'Jennette.. She didn't even tried to save me.'

Athanasia sighed as she looked at her bedroom's huge window. There, a bright light from the moon are shining over here. It was really bright.

Back then, the people of the Obelian Empire compare Athanasia as the moon and Jennette as the sun. They all said that she was too gloomy and dark while Jennette was bright and cheerful. It can't be helped though. If you were to yearn for your father's love, only to be taken away in seconds by a girl who came out of nowhere.

"It's really bothersome.." Athanasia muttered under her breath as she finally felt weariness taking over her.

Meanwhile, at the Garnet Palace, there is an sleep deprived emperor who can't stop dreaming about her dead daughter in his hands. What Claude can't understand is that, his daughter is only five years of age. Not eighteen.

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