ao. seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen


❝ My Papa and I ❞

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Athanasia.. was shock.

Not because she saw Ijekiel and his peers awhile ago, but because her dad was wearing an attire that he doesn't wear often. It was a tuxedo.. And it was also matching her dress, which is a blue dress with flowery designs all over it.

'Papa have always looked good in anything, but he really look good today! I think good doesn't describe him well. Papa looked great!' Athanasia smiled widely as she was carried by Claude. Athanasia wasn't even telling him to carry her because she thought it was really embarrassing, but seeing Claude walk confidently while holding her in his arms makes her feel at ease. 'I guess, this is okay.. Although, it is still embarassing..'

"Athanasia.." Claude called, all of the sudden. Making Athanasia flinch in shock, but regained composure when she saw her father's soft gaze.

"Yes, Papa?" she asked, smilling at her father.

Claude paused for a moment as he finally asked the question he wanted to ask. "Are you happy?"

And that question made Athanasia freeze.

Is she happy? Of course she is. She's happy about everything that has happened in her second life. She's happy that her father has finally noticed her. She's happy that she finally live as the official crown princess of Obelia and became her father's heir. She's happy that she's not the forgotten princess, but the lovely princess. She's happy that she finally have everything that Jennette had.

'But am i really happy?' Athanasia thought as she giggled and nodded. 'I'm happy.' "I'm the happiest girl in the world, Papa!"

"Even if your mother isn't present?" Claude questioned once again, as Athanasia shaked her head.

"It's okay. Even if Mama isn't here, i'm sure she's watching us, Papa. I'm okay with only you and i, Papa." Athanasia answered, making Claude tear a little. So he hugged the little princess to hide his face. Which, Felix actually saw, and made him chuckled silently.

'W-wait! Papa's tearing up?! He can actually cry?!' Athanasia inwardly smiled as she hugged Claude back. And to everyone who sees the scene, can just squeal in cuteness of the daddy-daughter duo. Needless to say, everyone was touched by it.

The imperial family, with Felix guarding them, visited alot of places in Artlanta. It was Athanasia's first time in Artlanta, since she didn't really leave the Ruby Palace on her first life.

'I can't believe i missed these fun things.. Well, still, i'm grateful for the person who saved me.' Athanasia thought as she looked around. There were too many people, streets vendors with different varieties to sell and street performers. Athanasia wow-ed as she saw a man blow a fire out of his mouth, like a dragon spitting fire.

"Wow.." Athanasia mumbled as she watched the performance in awe. But then, a thought came to her mind. 'I'm sure that Lucas can do this..' she thought as she chuckled and pulled her father's coat. "Papa, let's go to there!" she exclaimed, pointing at the store that sells kebabs.

Claude looked at where Athanasia was pointing as he furrowed his eyebrows. "You want to eat those?" he questioned Athanasia as she just nodded. "Alright." 'Hmm, might aswell try it.' Claude thought as he motioned to Felix to buy some for them.

As Felix gave them the newly cooked kebab, Athanasia's eyes brightly shone as she ate it. And believe me, Claude did too. And by that, everyone who looked at them can't help it but to squint their eyes because of their brightness.

The rest of the day, Athanasia and Claude walked around the festival with smile on their faces. And believe me, Felix can't really help it but to tear a little knowing Claude haven't really shown his feelings publicly. And now he finally did.

The night came and Claude had to make a speech at the stage in the plaza, where the festival is mostly taking place in. Athanasia sat down at her gradious seat, alongside Claude, which is at the stage. She's actually feeling a little bit anxious, because Athanasia hasn't been in these huge crowd since her coronation. And that was years ago!

'There are too many people looking at me.. What should i do?' Athanasia thought as she looked around, and her eyes suddenly met a familiar face with blue eyes. She froze for a moment as the two exchange eye contact with each other. 'J-Jeannette?!'

And Athanasia knew, that in that exact moment, Jeannette will take everything away from her with the same glare that she was given by the little female. The old Jeannette was gone, the lovely princess that she once adored, it was just a girl that loathe her, for whatever reasons that she have. Athanasia doesn't feel intimidated though, instead, it made her chuckle. She smiled at the girl with the brightest smile that she have with only one thought in her mind..

'I will be the Lovely Princess this time, Dear sister.'

[ end of act one.. ]

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