at. three

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Chapter Three


❝ Me, Lucas and Dancing Practices ❞

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It was a sunny day. A week had gone by after the crown princess' birthday. Sure, Athanasia's the crown princess, but she still can't go on balls and teaparties because she hadn't done her debutanté that'll be in months' time. That is why, she is back at practicing dancing.

"Hng.. How did Mama do this?" Athanasia muttered to herself as she struggled at a move in her dance. unbeknownst to her knowledge, there's a magician and a holy beast that are secretly watching her.

When Blackie couldn't control it anymore, he got out of Lucas' grip and ran towards his master. Thus, Athanasia fell on the ground while a large beast was on top of her. 'E-eh?!' she thought to herself as she felt her pet licking her cheeks. "Blackie!"

Athanasia giggled at her pet's antics as she looked around for the person that might've brought her pet in. And that was Lucas. 'Huh? This is my first time seeing him in really casual clothes after all these years..' Athanasia thought as she smiled widely at Lucas. "Hello Lucas! How are you?"

"Fine.. What were you doing?" Lucas asked he turn his head to the princess. Lucas hasn't realized it himself, but his face is red. Athanasia giggled as she smiled at the warlock.

"I was practicing dancing for the ball, Lucas." Athanasia answered while looking at Lucas, straight in his eyes. "I'm having my debutanté afterall and Papa's my partner. But i really can't practice well.." 'And i'm afraid that i'll end up stomping his feet with my heels.' Athanasia chuckled dryly at the thought as she looked away from Lucas.

Lucas paused for a moment as he tsk'ed. "I'll only do this once, so practice well, got it?"

"Huh?" Confused Athanasia looked at Lucas with utter confusion. But instead of a teen Lucas, it was the Lucas she saw seven years ago. A man, probably in his dad's height, with much more longer hair.

'He looked much better with long hair too..' Athanasia stared at Lucas for a moment. When she got into her senses, she immediately got up and smiled at Lucas brightly. As usual, Lucas just sighed at his friend's brightness. "You look much better with long hair, Lucas!"


"Come on now. Hold my waist, you have to hold them so we can dance." Athanasia stated innocently as she placed her hand in Lucas' shoulder, the other holding his hand. "Can you put up music too?"

"S-sure.." Lucas mumbled as he casted a spell, there music went off. And as soon as the music started, he held Athanasia's waist and started dancing with her. And boy, was it a bad idea. One, two, ten— no, it lasted for atleast eighty stomps for Athanasia to stop.

Athanasia teared a little a soon as she saw Lucas' pained expression. Clearly knowing she caused his pain. "I'm sorry, Lucas!" 'Since i've never danced with somebody else before, i really don't know these things!' Athanasia internally cried as she looked at Lucas' foot. It was a shock it wasn't bleeding.

"Tsk, stop crying. I'll just heal it." Lucas replied as he wiped Athanasia's tears off. Athanasia was taken aback but just let the man wipe her tears. "Have you forgot? I was the same person who healed you. That's why even if you have to stomp me with those sharp heels of yours, i'm going to help you be better at dancing." 'Even if it really hurts as hell, God, how can a shoe hurt so fucking much?' Lucas groaned silently as he immediately casted a spell to heal them.

"Really?" Athanasia questioned him back as she furrowed her eyebrows, with Blackie on her lap with the same expression as her.

Lucas looked at Athanasia for a moment as he sighed and nodded. "Yes.. But you'll owe me alot of brownies after this."

"Of course! Thank you, Lucas!" Athanasia thanked as she hugged her childhood friend tightly. She giggled at Lucas' stiffness and then soon after, she let go. "You know, at first, i really thought you were a bad person. Turns out you're a great person."

"I'm taking it back, i won't help you."

Athanasia fake whined at the ruby-eyed magician as she pouted. "I said you're a great person."

"I was just kidding.. Come on now, let's practice more. I fear for the guys that'll dance with you." Lucas looked at Athanasia and placed his hands once again at her waist, like he was used to it being there. 'Even though i hate the thought of it.' "Come on now."

"Hmm! Thank you again, Lucas." Athanasia giggled as they both started dancing once again.

'Hmm.. Maybe this isn't that bad.' Lucas thought, dancing with the jeweled-blue eyed blonde princess. A smile appear on his face, twirling Athanasia professionally. 'Yeah, this isn't so bad afterall.'

And there, Athanasia and Lucas continued dancing with grace and lots of pain. And Blackie, just sitting at the sofa with chocolates in his mouth and fur. It was a joyful afternoon. But the aftermath wasn't that joyful at all, their feet were too sore that the two can't even lift their leg.

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