at. thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen


❝ Confessions, Confessions ❞

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"L-Lucas..!" Athanasia half-whispered, half-yelled as her eyes widen in shock. When she regained posture, she immediately hugged the guy tightly. "You're here."

"I told you i'll be quick." Lucas retorted, hugging Athanasia back. He was actually rushing to go back to Obelia after taking the fruits, which he was thankful that is still there, and talked to the World Tree without violence. Unlike WMMAP!Lucas who literally bit the tree off. But Lucas was disturbed of the fact of how unstable Athanasia's mana is. "Have you been with Blackie alot?"

"Huh? No, i just feed him one time every week." Athanasia answered, pulling herself out of the hug and continued to sit down at her bed. They were at an private palace the imperial family owns, for vacation purposes. "Why?"

"Have you been with anyone other than your maids, knights, and father?" Lucas asked once again, as he detected a tiny bit of black magic around Athanasia's mana. It made him furrow his eyebrows when Athanasia replied yes. "Huh? Who was it?"

"Have you forgotten that i suddenly had a sister?" Athanasia reminded Lucas with a soft sigh. "She's the brunette at my old palace."

'.. Her sister? As far as i can remember, she doesn't have one.' And then Lucas mouth gaped as he remembered. 'Ah..' "That chimera?" Lucas said, gazing at Athanasia. Although, Athanasia tilted her head in confusion. "No wonder you need repairs, that chimera are bad news. Don't hang around with her."

Athanasia arched an eyebrow. "Why not?" she said, looking at the man with confusion. 'Why is he acting like Jennette's like a plague?' Well, Athanasia don't really like being with Jennette. Everytime she did, all she can remember is how Jennette didn't defend her. But she had to, for her revenge.

"That's because that girl have a bunch of black magic in her. I don't even understand how she had that bunch of magic in her." Lucas explained in a nonchalant tone, as Athanasia's mouth gaped at what the male just said. Lucas noticed the shock in her face as her mouth gaped, and so, he softly sighed and patted her head. "Don't worry, you'll be fine. If that chimera 'did' do something to you, she'll die."

"How does she have black magic?" Athanasia asked back, tilting her head to the side as Lucas' hand is still on her head. Lucas shrugged, as Athanasia just took it as a sign that Lucas doesn't want her to know. 'But ever since Lucas came in, i felt lighter.' "Have your mana replenished?" Athanasia asked with a smile, lighting up the mood a little bit.

Lucas smirked as he nodded. "I got them all. And still have some to spare." he said, showing Athanasia the remaining fruits that he stored. He can't tell it's for her though, that's for emergency. Lucas smiled as he saw Athanasia's mouth gaping in amazement. "Have you been well?"

Athanasia nodded with a smile. "I have been well. Although, i did miss you— i mean! Haha! Look at the time! I'm going to sleep!" Athanasia frantically yelled as she turned away from Lucas with a blush creeping onto her cheeks. Lucas quietly chuckled, softly grabbing Athanasia's wrist, turning Athanasia onto his direction once again.

"Why are you hiding your blush?" Lucas smirked, leaning onto Athanasia, bit by bit. Athanasia tried to look away, but Lucas' hand held her chin and made it to look at his direction. "To be honest, it's kind of cute for you to hide it." Lucas continued smilling at the flustered princess. "There's always something that surprises me about you, that i can't explain... No wonder i like you."

'Wha-What?! What did he just say?!' Athanasia yelled in her mind as Lucas just poofed her dress, and it turned to a nightgown.

"Go to sleep." Lucas mumbled, tucking flustered Athanasia in her bed. "Sleep tight. Listen to a lullaby." he continued, watching Athanasia's flustered face stare at him. "Good night."

Athanasia pouted, as she pulled her sheets and hid her face. "You're such a tease, Lucas."

"Really now?" Lucas chuckled, making Athanasia throw her pillow at him. Lucas dodged the pillow, as he just continued laughing. "Alright now, go to sleep. You'll be groggy tomorrow, and your dad hates that. Sleep."

"Yes.." Athanasia yawned, dozing off to sleep. Lucas stared at Athanasia as a smile crept his face. A genuine smile.

"You're here."

He chuckled at the memory, taking some of Athanasia platinum blond locks as he kissed them. "I'm here."

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