ath. ten

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Chapter Ten


  ❝ Carax ❞

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"Is there any reasons on why you have to call me here, Magician?" Claude asked Lucas in a stern tone as he crossed his arms and legs. "I was playing with Athanasia. She was close on getting to invade Syncansia."

"The what now?" Lucas arched an eyebrow at Claude, as the ‘young’ man dearly questioned to himself and probably the Gods on what the fuck is Claude teaching his future wif— i mean, friend. His friend. "I'll just ignore that." he said as he sighed. "As you know, we've gone back to the past."


"But some of my other selves still is conscious about that fact." Lucas stated as he too, sat down. Since his seat was occupied by ‘someone’, he sat at the smaller chairs that are facing the desk, who're infront of Claude. "And so, this other one where his Athanasia didn't die and their timeline was stable.. He informed me something."

"Is it the same guy who taught you the time-reversal spell?" Claude asked back as Lucas nodded. "What did he say?"

"The guy who're inside The Former Majesty's body are called 'Carax', but he's still Aeternitas, nonetheless." Lucas explained as he sighed deeply once again. "And he also said that it was my fault.."

"What?" said Claude in a stone cold voice as he glared at the ruby-eyed warlock.

Lucas gulped as he finally knew why this guy, Claude, was feared. Even though he knew, he's much stronger than him. 'Hell, if i wasn't pleasing him to give me blessings to marry Athanasia, i wouldn't even do this!' Lucas thought as he fake coughed. "Well, actually, i snobbed the guy once since he had too little mana in him. His father, i forgot the name, told me to let him become my apprentice but i snobbed him and insulted him."

"So, it was your fault, huh?" Claude gripped the quill at the table and smiled at Lucas while closing his eyes. "You fucking—"

"Hey! I have more to tell!" Lucas exclaimed as he stood up and stepped back, incase Claude launches at him. 'This guy's really psychopathic as what his daughter said.' Lucas thought, sweatdropping at the fact that the guy pulled out his sword with magic. "He also said that the guy doesn't have a physical body, that's why he possesses the ones who had low self-esteem or insecure, something like that."

"Anastacius? Insecured? That's bullshit." Claude scoffed as he remembered Anastacius' smug face. That stupid smug face he dearly wished to wipe off the guy's face. "Are you sure about that?"

"As i've said, i'm not sure." Lucas stated as he sat back down when Claude's sword are gone. 'I just wish he doesn't pull it out again and then kill me.' "But it explains alot to the chimera, you know? She was insecured of Athanasia because of her fucked up mindset."


"That damned other self of mine.." Lucas sighed as he caressed his temples. "Suggested on cutting the communication of Rosalia and that chimera, and then seclude her at the Alpheus Manor." he explained as he sighed once again. "Since in his world, even when that chimera grew up in Whitey's house, she ended up friends with Athanasia of that world."

"I suggest the latter, Magician." Claude didn't even hesitate to utter his thoughts out. "As what you've said, Athanasia might've turned back to the past too, and that, her memories are different." he said, remembering the time in his other life where Athanasia hated him. "Let's say, yes, that brat grew up well and adored Athanasia. Do you think Athanasia will be pleased about it? She won't, and Athanasia in the end, will turn out to be the bad guy. Even if that brat's not my daughter but Anastacius, they'll shun Athanasia out because of how she'll treat her badly."

"... That's a possibility."


"But what if she forgives the chimera?

Claude scoffed. "I won't let that plan of yours, that is to have Athanasia befriend that brat before she gets tainted by her aunt." Just the thought of having Athanasia near his bitch of an ex-fiancée daughter.

Lucas squinted his eyes, as he just sighed in frustration and didn't argue furthermore. 'Might as well, go to the safest route.' He thought. "Then we'll just train her to become a magician, have her train under me."

"And here i thought your plan gets stupider after that first plan. Good job, Magician." Claude commented with a small smile as he stood up and headed for the exit. "I'll comply to that plan. Now i'm going out."

"We're not done yet—"

"I still have to teach Athanasia on how to invade other empires with violence."

'What the fuck?' Lucas stared at Claude's back as he had this 'what the fuck' expression. He thought, he was the bad influence in Athanasia's life. Turns out, he wasn't. It was her own father. 'What a crazy weird family.'

Well, he loves the psycho's daughter, so— 'I'll just have to go along with it until he gives me his blessing.' Lucas thought, as he went to his original seat and did work.

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