at. eight

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Chapter Eight


❝ A Plan Set in Motion ❞

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As the birds were chirping outside and the busy maids walked in and out of the palace, Athanasia was woken up by her nanny, Lily. Lily smiled at the princess as she said, "Wake up, Princess. You'll be having breakfast with His Majesty, right?"

"A-ah.." She yawned for a moment as she got up and nodded. "Yes.. Papa did say he'll have the morning supper with me." Athanasia mumbled. She stood up and let the maids do their thing to her. They bathed her and dressed her up.

Athanasia was wide awake now, and so, she headed to the Garnet Palace. It was just few walks away so Athanasia reached the palace immediately. She's not late, so Athanasia wasn't running. Felix was just about to go fetch Athanasia, but she was already at the palace.

"You're early, princess." Felix commented as he walked beside the blonde princess, as Athanasia just giggled. 'I bet Felix wanted to atleast see Lily when fetching me. Too bad, i'm already here.'

A soft gust of wind suddenly flew their way as Athanasia's lovely silky blue dress that Claude gave her, flew with the wind as her platinum blonde locks covered her face. Athanasia took her hair and placed it behind her ears, as she dusted her self off because some leaves fell on her.

Felix and Athanasia entered the dining as Athanasia greeted the emperor, Claude. Who seemed to be in deep thoughts. "Papa!" Athanasia yelled as Claude turned to her. The princess smiled as she sat at her usual seat. "Good morning, Papa."

"Good morning to you too." Claude replied as he raised his hands, motioning the servants to let the food in. And there, a bunch of food were in the table. For just, the morning supper. "Did you get a good sleep?"

"Hmm! How about you, Papa?" Athanasia questioned back as Claude just nodded. Athanasia smiled widely as she placed pancakes with chocolate syrup in her plate. "The pancakes and chocolate syrup made by the chefs are really great."

"You just say that because you like chocolate."

Athanasia arched an eyebrow towards her father as she picked a pancake with chocolate in it with fork and pointed it at her father. "Try it, Papa. And you'll agree with me."

"No, i don't like sweets." Claude pushed the fork away with his own fork as he just gulped and looked away. 'The thought of eating sweets makes me puke..' "Plus, all of that are for you." he added as he continued eating his meal.

Athanasia shrugged as she ate her pancake. 'My sweet tooth must be from Mama.' Athanasia hummed as the two ate in comfortable silence. From time to time, Athanasia asks a question and Claude answers it.

"Papa.. Jennette's the former emperor's daughter, isn't she?" Athanasia asked as Claude simply nodded. 'Hmm.. That explains it. But why did Papa accept Jennette back then?' "Should i just take my words back and kick her out?"

"Do you want to do it?" Claude questioned back, that made Athanasia pause for a moment. Claude noticed his daughter's response as he sighed and dropped the utensils he's using. "Then do what you want to do with her. I'm sure you placed her at your old palace with reasons."

"Eh..?" Athanasia glanced at Claude in shock as she froze. 'Papa knew that?' she thought, as she just continued eating. Claude silently chuckled at what she did and proceeded to eat as well.

'What am i planning to Jennette, though?' Athanasia thought. She wanted her to experience every hardship that she have gone through. She wanted to make Jennette suffer like how she did. She wanted Jennette to die the same way she died. 'Yes.. That's quite a plan...' Athanasia thought, smilling eerily in her mind.

On the other hand, there was a new princess in the Ruby Palace. Jennette de Alger Obelia. And yes, Athanasia purposely placed Jennette there.

Jennette was woken up by a rough shaking. The maids weren't that fond of Jennette. As the maids who watched the little princess grow up, they can't help but compare the two. Athanasia were already awake by that time, but Jennette? She's still lying down.

Jennette was irritated though. She was the new princess, and she's being treated like someone insignificant. Jennette just smiled and got up. Although the maids aren't fond of her, they've remember what Athanasia have told them.

"Treat her like a princess.. But not too well! Jennette must be thinking she'll be treated like a princess right? So, you should. But not too well, like me. She doesn't deserve that. She ruined my mood at my own debutanté and dared to introduce herself infront of me. So, can you all do it for me?"

Everyone in the Ruby Palace loved Athanasia. She was the most brightest child they've taken care of, and even when Athanasia moved to the Emerald Palace, the princess still visit them with Lilian, every now and then. That's why they can't accept someone so ungrateful, without them considering their princess' feelings.

"Your breakfast is served, Princess Jennette." a maid who were close to Athanasia said, as she bowed at the lady. 'She's not even comparable to our princess.' "Please follow me."

Jennette, who were irritated, smiled. Although, she's not liking the maids, she doesn't want the maids to think badly of her. "Thank you. Please do." said Jennette in her soft tone. The maids secretly rolled their eyes as they lead the way.

'They're treating me graciously, unlike awhile ago. That's good.. They must think i'm such a soft princess. As Aunt Rosalia said, if i got the favor of these people, they'll serve me with respect and then rumors spread that the new princess are much more graceful than that brat.. Yes, that's much more like it.' Jennette thought, smilling in her own thoughts.

'And then when i gain father's favor, Aunt will order someone to poison me and then she'll point it towards that brat! Then we'll be living happily. Yes, that's quite a plan...'

'A plan set in motion.'

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