ao. fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen


❝ Artlanta I ❞

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Athanasia smiled widely as Claude picked her up. Claude made Athanasia sit first inside the carriage as he entered at sat beside her. Athanasia was smilling alot, a white beam of light can be seen behind her. Why is she smilling? Well...

"There will be a festival in Artlanta that i have to guest.." Claude informed as Athanasia tilted her head in confusion. "I have to be away for a while."

'Oh, it is that time of the year..' Athanasia thought as she nodded. She wanted to come with her father, but she is still a child. She can't go out freely until she's a teen, which is, when permission to go out from the emperor was given.. 'I wanna come too.. Like a vacation, just me and Papa.'

"Do you want to come with me to Artlanta, Athanasia?" Claude asked as he looked at his daughter's face. He knew too well that it's the 'I-wanna-ask-Papa-something-but-i-can't' face.

And his guess is right. Because after he asked, he saw how Athanasia's face brightened as she looked at him.

"Really?! I can come too, Papa?!" Athanasia exclaimed as Claude nodded with a smile. Athanasia giggled as she can't help but clap her hands in joy. 'A trip with Papa!'

Is she happy? Yep, really really happy. Back then, it was only Jennette and Claude who go on family trips. But now, it's her! A trip alone with her Papa! Athanasia was so estatic, he didn't noticed Claude's smile. Although, Felix did. And Felix can't help it but tear a little.

"Are you that happy that we're going on a trip?" Claude can't help but ask as he noticed Athanasia's brightness, and it was since he fetched her from her palace. 'He didn't even greeted that warlock too.'

Athanasia nodded as she faced Claude. "Hmmm! I'm really happy that we're going on a trip, Papa!" She hummed as she replied to Claude, making the coachman and Felix that are outside rearing the horses, smile. Of course, who wouldn't when you hear the princess' soft and cute voice while saying that she's happy to have a trip with her father.

Although, Lucas was sulking though. He went his way to the princess' chambers since he thought she'll be there as usual, but ended up finding her at the staircase, descending it. He greeted her, but it seemed like he was an air.

He found out later that the daddy-daughter duo was having a trip to Artlanta. 'No wonder she's happy..' Lucas thought as he sighed. 'Welp. I'm just gonna teleport myself to Artlanta first and greet her.' and by the flick of his fingers, he was in Artlanta.

Again, with the imperial family, Claude and Athanasia arrived at the boarders of Artlanta.


Incorrect Quotes with the WMMAP cast! [ part 2 ]
{i don't have cramps now | i got cramps after a few days of writing these.. what the fuck life?}


Aged Up!

Lucas, to future child: We're not mad we're dissapointed
Athy: No we're mad
Lucas: Yeah we're mad, we're livid and we're gonna let this one slide
Athy: No we're not
Lucas: I'm not a mind reader, you know?


Ijekiel: Jennette i'll be fine it's just a crush.
Athy: Hello Ijekiel
Ijekiel: I love you
Jennette: *facepalming*


Felix: Your majesty, i dare you to kiss the next person who enters the ballroom
Claude: I'm not kissing anyon—
Diana: *walks in*
Claude: fiiiiiiiiine, oNlY BecAUsE I dOn't TUrn DowN A DarE
: Simp. and a tsun-tsundere


Athy: So here's the tea
Lucas: Your dad is literally beating the shit out off that person
Jennette: Mr. Magician, do you want the tea or not?


Jennette: So what's it like to date the princess?
Lucas: Once i asked for a cup of water and she gave me a cup of ice and told me to "wait"


Athy: It's wrong to make fun of people
Lucas: But it's so fun sometimes
Athy: I know but that's not the point


Lucas: Hey Princess
Athy: What?
Lucas: You know, when i mean by saying you deserve someone better that means hey you just come and date me already—

Aged Up!

Ijekiel, somehow drunk: The princess has such beautiful eyes, i love her
Ijekiel: Don't tell her, okay?
Athy: I won't
: sorry 'kiel, but i still ship lucathy. you can date me tho—


Young Athy: Don't take this personally, but i need to start hanging out with people my age
Lucas: We're the same age
Young Athy: Yeah, but you're mentally six but you're really a century old
Lucas, full of brownies in his mouth: HUW CKAN YOUH SEYY DAT?!?!

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