at. two

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Chapter Two


❝ Diana ❞

(None of these are based on headcannons. Just purely basing it on what i remember and interpret in the manhwa.)

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"Papa.." Athanasia called her father as she placed her palms in her chin and elbows at the table.

Currently, Athanasia had nothing to do. She finished her studies, and have eaten her desserts already. And she wanted to visit Lucas at the tower but afraid that she'll bother him so she put her thoughts aside.

So, she found herself at her father's office. With the royal seal on her hands. Well, Athanasia doesn't have a clue what the heck she's holding. She's just looking at it weirdly and holding it just like a plain stone. Athanasia didn't have any work at the palace in her first life, much to say, it explains why she didn't know what she is holding.

Claude looked at his daughter that have this look of curiosity and arched his eyebrow. "Is there something you want, Athanasia?"

"How..." Athanasia trailed off as she paused for a moment. Thinking if it's appropriate to ask her father. 'Well.. I'm curious about Mama too...' Athanasia smiled at Claude as she asked, "How did you meet Mama?"

And there, Claude was taken aback by his daughter's question. In all fourteen years that he spent time with Athanasia, Claude didn't heard a single question from Athanasia that involved her mother. So he was confused. So thinking that Athanasia have fallen inlove may be the reason why, all thoughts in his head jumbled as he thought of only one man that may have seduced his daughter.

"Why? Have you fallen inlove?" Claude questioned back to Athanasia as his face started darkening, and his quill being broken. Athanasia suddenly sweatdropped as she back away, remembering some bad memories from her first life. "It's that damn warlock isn't?"

"Wha—?!" Athanasia looked at his father with a ridiculous looked as she shaked her head rapidly and denied profusely. "No! I didn't fall inlove, i'm too young! I was just asking because i'm curious of Mama!" Athanasia yelled in a high-pitched tone.

Claude let out a breath of relief as he softly smiled at Athanasia, which made her squint her own eyes because of the imaginary light her father's emitting. "That.. I didn't think you would be curious about your mother.."

"Seriously, Papa? Of course i would." Athanasia retorted as she pouted while looking at him. "Since Papa had a reputation of being cold and cruel.. I was wondering how Mama captured your heart." Athanasia added as she looked at her father with cute gazing eyes. 'That's a part of it...'

'The other reason was because i ran out of romance novel at my library to read.' Athanasia thought to herself as the picture of piles of book around her were imagined. And boy, that pile of books are just too many. Claude were shock from his daughter's comment about him though. 'Cold and cruel.. Is that why she hated me back then?' Claude chuckled at his thought. Athanasia just looked at him in confusion.

"Diana, your mother... She was a dancer from siodonna, as you've known. I'm sure Felix or your nanny have told you." Claude started telling her as he have this expression of longing and content. Longing for his dead lover and Contented by what she gave him. "She captured my interest in one sole dance. She was magnificent that night." Claude smiled as he continued. "I was.. fazed by her beauty and how she danced with grace. So i invited her for tea.. There, i found out that the Lippe Tea was her favorite."

"Ahh? Really?" Athanasia asked in delight and curiosity as Claude nodded.

"I thought that one tea with her would make me forget about her.. But it continued, day by day. And then i asked her to be my lover." Claude smiled as he remembered Diana's face when he confessed. It was breathtaking, that he can't help but to blush. "She showed me everything that are from her country. Food, fruits, traditions—"

"Clothing? Like what you are wearing right now, Papa?" Athanasia cutted Claude off as her father just nodded. Athanasia giggled at her father's habit as she smiled. "Please continue, Papa."

"And then we made you. That day she told me that she was having you was the happiest day of my life." Claude gazed at Athanasia as Athanasia just blushed at her father's smile. Athanasia didn't expect to her that from her father.

'Especially since.. Since he didn't even acknowledge me as his daughter at my first life..' Athanasia thought as tears fell through her eyes. "I.. Really, Papa?" Athanasia asked as her voice faltered. Claude immediately went to his daughter's side as he wiped her tears off. 'I thought you didn't love me.'

"Of course.. From the moment you were in your mother's womb, you are my pride and joy.." Claude commented as he hugged his daughter. Athanasia just sobbed as she hugged her father back. After years of being warm with her father, she's still didn't expect her father to accept her. "I may have not liked you because you were the cause of your mother's death.. But i wouldn't dare hate my daughter." 'Never.. Not when i saw you being hanged, Athanasia..'


"Don't cry now. Come on, let's go to your garden." Claude suggested as he patted his daughter's back. Athanasia stopped sobbing as she looked at Claude. "Aren't the roses in bloom this time around? Let's have tea there with your favorite, Lippe Tea."

"And chocolate cake?" Athanasia mumbled as she heard Claude chuckled. Which made her pout.

Claude nodded as he pinched Athanasia's cheek. "Yes, there would be chocolate cake."

"Okay then! Let's tell the maids now, Papa!" Athanasia beamed as she got up and ran outside her father's office, dropping the royal seal (which she's still unaware of) at the sofa. Claude laughed at his daughter's excitement as he got up and went after her.

Finally.. Athanasia's finally assured that her place of being the crown princess and her father's dear daughter won't be replaced by anyone.

'Ahh.. Papa really did loved Mama, didn't he? Wearing revealing clothes from Siodonna.. I wonder how mother would react to this.'

Bonus Scene:

"Oh my! My cute daughter and lover..!" Diana squealed in delight as a few teardrops fell in her eyes. She floated around Athanasia and Claude for a moment as she joined the hug between the two of them. "My love and dear daughter... Oh how much i love you two."

'But Claude's still stunning.. Wearing clothes from my country..! Hah, world tree, please don't take me anytime soon.. My lover's physique can still make me blush after many times of seeing them still.'

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