at. seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen


❝ Know Your Place ❞

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Lucas paced as he passed the maids that are at the palace. Even when the emperor insisted to handle Jennette personally, he wanted to see it for himself. A spirit that had been wandering around. A spirit that have been wanting to see him.

"Oh, and by the way.. Since you're not following my Athanasia anymore, i'm going to tell you a problem that caused me problems.. You remember that guy we rejected back then? Yeah, he's back. And that guy might go to that chimera."

Lucas sighed as he remembered his other self. He doesn't believe himself either, but he had to see it for himself. The magic that killed Athanasia was a kind of black magic that almost everyone have forgotten, except.. Well, if you're as old as Lucas.

He descended through the stairs of the dungeon as he immediately heard a screeching scream coming from the last cell. He walked towards it, and it was Jennette. Begging the people to let her out.

"What is that brat screaming?" Lucas heard Claude's voice as he simply just sighed at the man's stubbornness. Now he knew where Athanasia got it from.

Lucas turned to Claude, and there, he can see the sword that can only be held by the Obelian imperial member.  Lucas softly sighed, "She's screaming ‘Get me out of here’, Your Majesty. Have your hearing got worse due to old age?" Lucas sarcastically said as they both walked towards Jennette's cell.

And when they got infront of her, in a blink of an eye, Jennette's hands were at the ground as Claude glared at her with killing intent. 'And i'm going to bet that he'll do this too.. After this.' Lucas thought as he listened to Jennette's screams of pain.

"Fa— Father!!" Jennette cried as she tried to stop the bleeding with her dress. She turned to Claude but all she could see were the bloodlust around him. The rage and intent to kill her was immense, the she shrieked in fright.

Jennette didn't meant for it all to happen. It was somebody that were controlling her. She simply just hated Athanasia, but she wouldn't kill her herself. Not without a plan. Jennette's tears fell as the pain in her hands didn't stop.

"You see, Jennette.. You have been just a pawn to kill me."

"You fool" Claude and Athanasia's voice rang at Jennette's ears as she tried to cover her ears with her bleeding wrists. It was too much. Too much. "There was never a day i considered you my daughter."

"Jennette, oh Jennette.. You're such a fool" the cold voice of Athanasia sadistically laughed. "You have never been a princess. In truth, you're just a tyrant's offspring.. In truth, father only accepted you because of me. Because i'm his true daughter. The Real Lovely Princess."

"Know your place."

Claude and Athanasia said in sync, as Jennette broke down and fell to the ground. Claude didn't even let Lucas talked as he simply just stab the female with no mercy. Lucas was just watching the scene, as he softly smiled. Hoping.. Hoping this was all enough to make him sane at the next life.

[ end of act two... ]

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