ath. eight

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Chapter Eight


❝ Death of a Noble ❞

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Claude sighed in silence as he stared at the 'young' warlock, who're playing with his little innocent daughter. Maybe not-so innocent, because of whatever things his somehow other self did to her in her past past life. Confusing, isn't? He is too, but he's too blinded by Lucas who're starting to feel the heat of Claude's fiery glare towards him.

"Papa!" Athanasia called as she pulled something out of a basket. There, a familiar creature was shown, it's eyes staring at him. "This is Blackie."

Claude immediately flashed a smile at Athanasia, when she turned to look at him. 'I can't let her show my irritated expression.. She'll misunderstand.' Claude thought, as he nodded. "Don't hang around him for too long, okay?"

"Huh?" Athanasia tilted her head, and then smiled brightly. "Oh, Lucas said the same thing too! You know what Blackie is, Papa?"

"Yes." Claude replied with a smile. 'I had a hard time researching about that mutt.' He then, turned to Blackie. 'I just hope that Lucas is doing his job protecting Athanasia with that thing.' "If you hang around it for a long time, you'll get sick really bad."

"How bad?"

"It's equivalent to the feeling of being burned and have your organs twisting and burning." he answered with a soft smile. Athanasia and Lucas stared at him in disbelief, as Claude just mutter the words a child aren't supposed to hear. Clearly, Claude's really a psychopath. "That is why, you shouldn't hang around that mutt at all."

"Ehh~?!" Athanasia exclaimed as she pouted. "I'll still hang around with Blackie though!"

Claude stared at Athanasia and then patted her head. "If that's what you want. Just don't spend time with 'Blackie' alot, alright?" said Claude, in a concerned and caring voice. When Athanasia nodded with a bright smile, Claude stood up. "Well then, i'll be going now."

Athanasia turned her head to Claude's direction, as she tilted her head and asked, "Where are you going, Papa?"

"I'll be at my office." Claude answered, looking back at Athanasia. He then, turn to Lucas and gave him a stern look only to receive one as well. 'Take care of Athanasia.' he said in mind, and Lucas nodded his head, as if he understood what Claude thought. "Have fun, you two."

"Bye bye, Papa!"

"Goodbye, Your Majesty." Lucas followed up Athanasia, in such casual manner and tone. Claude was about to glare at Lucas, when he stopped himself from doing so.

As Claude walked by, every servant lowered their heads at him. He was used to it. But it was also almost as annoying as Lucas. What Claude doesn't get is the monarch hierarchy.

Why is nobles much more important than of common blood? To be honest, the thought of discrimination against commoners are irritating. But it doesn't mean that he favors them.

He always thought in the past that, if his mother were noble, would his father not shun her still love and cherish her? But it now, dawned to him that power are greater than love to almost everyone. It's not the same case to him, though. Even if Diana's a common blood, to a foreign land at that, Claude still cherished her and their daughter with all his might. And there, he thought, does he only love Diana because she too, have 'lowly common blood'? That, he didn't know.

Claude softly sighed, as he shaked his head. 'No matter, i'm only thinking of stupid things..' he thought. The reason he loved Diana was because of the light she gave him. Diana was his salvation, so is Athanasia.

"Hey, did you hear?"
"A noble died just when they're travelling their carriage."
"Do you know who is it?"
"No. It was just said that a noble died.."
"Then maybe they're just some lowly baron or something—"

"What are you two doing? Stop chattering and get to work." Lilian scolded the two maids as soon as she set sight on them. What more is that, the Emperor was just infront of them, stopping his tracks as soon as they heard them talk. "Blessings and Glory upon the Obelian Empire, Your Majesty." Lilian greeted, as she curtsied. So did the maids, who got scolded, who didn't even realized Claude's presence.

".. Just don't chatter mindlessly at the corridors. Go on with your work now." said Claude, as he then continued to walk.

The possibilities of that said 'noble' being Rosalia are high. But he hadn't ordered anyone to kill her, or to even arrest her just yet. He was waiting for the right moment. Unless.. 'Some certain warlock killed her.'

But to Claude's surprise, it wasn't Rosalia. Rather, a Viscount who're in the coastal parts of Obelia. Rosalia was said to be in the countryside, and it's far from there. So who might be it that killed the noble? What's more is that, the coastal parts of Obelia is at the west. It's couldn't be a coincidence, right?

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