at. ten

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Chapter Ten


❝ Teaparty II ❞

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As Claude were to do his paperwork, he suddenly had the urge to see his daughter, Athanasia. It had been awhile since they had tea together. Ever since Lucas left, all Athanasia did were to tend her ‘sister’. It made Claude irritated.

Everytime he remembered what Jennette's mother have done with his brother, disgusted him one bit. Cheating on him, because he had no power. Claude hated her, and his brother. That's why it was questionable how the Countess had the idea that thing was his daughter.

He sighed, standing up to his seat and started heading to the door when he heard Felix's voice. "Your Majesty, Princess Athanasia's teaparty had begun." he informed outside the room. And Claude sighed as he turned around and sat back to his seat.

'I completely forgot that Athanasia's teaparty were today.' Claude thought to himself as he started doing his mountains of paperworks. 'This is too many documents to review and approve..'

On the other side of the humongous palace grounds, Athanasia was smilling widely as she conversed with the ladies. Even though the dress was similar, much to say, it didn't make a scene as Jennette hoped for. Why? Because simply, Athanasia flaunted it better.

"Your dress at your debutanté ball was really amazing, Princess!"
"Who's the dressmaker?"
"Do you know that every men and women in the ballroom that day were fascinated by your beauty?"
"Your dance with His Majesty was really amazing and beautiful!"

The ladies chattered, here and there. Athanasia chuckled as she tried answering every question that they've asked. And well, it was quite a new thing for her. No one have asked her that many questions. And she's not used at the attention she was getting, even though almost everyone in her palace was attentive of her.

And it made Jennette grit her teeth in silence as she sat at the side. She was left out, and no one even noticed her. Sure, she got their attention at first, but soon after, all the attention was on Athanasia. It was infuriating!

'Aunt Rosalia said that this could've been where i'll meet friends in the high society.. But all of them have been focused on that commoner blood!' Jennette thought as she gripped the hems of her dress. She was annoyed, and she was not having a good time like what her aunt said about teaparties.

And Athanasia noticed that annoyance. It made her chuckle in mind as she turned to Jennette. "How about you, sister? What's your favorite tea?"

"O-oh!" Jennette was popped out on her own thoughts as all of the ladies turned to her. Not because they wanted to, but because the princess turned to her direction. "My favorite are jasmine."

"That's nice." Athanasia commented with a smile. "Mine is Lippe. It's a tea from Siodonna."

"Ooh!" a lady with light purple hair beamed as she faced Athanasia with a smile. "I've tasted the tea once back when my family and i visited Siodonna! It's a unique taste, but i liked it." she said as all the girls awed.

Athanasia giggled. 'It is..' "Next time we'll have a gathering, i'll serve Lippe Tea so everyone can taste it." she said, making everyone except Jennette smiled.

'Ahh.. Jennette. How does it feel to be left out?' Athanasia thought, secretly giving a glance to the brunette. 'Now you know what i've felt back when i was left out at your fancy gatherings.'

It was a smooth sail for Athanasia. She surprisingly got along with everyone. And of course, with the knowledge of the future, she knew trends and suchs. And so, when the teaparty ended, Athanasia's smile was really wide.

Although, it didn't end the same with Jennette's though. She was livid at the thought of Athanasia's triumphant smile. It annoys her, and it felt like she was rubbing it off on her that she was left out. That her presence didn't matter. That no matter what she did, all she could do is to remain silent because she'll never gain the emperor's attention.

'Ugh!' Jennette threw her pillow at the floor as she gripped another one at her other hand. 'Why does she get all the attention anyway?! She's just a brat that got lucky! Father's just being nice to her!'

"Princess, please be quiet. Everyone in the palace are already sleeping." A cold voice told her off as she heard a knock in her door. Jennette obliged, but she's annoyed.

'How can i mere maid dictate me?!' Jennette as she gritted her teeth once again.

Unbeknownst to Jennette's knowledge, a black mist were watching her from her window. And a body of a dead man, with a stab wound in his chest were found in an inn in the west boarders of Obelia.

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