The Sports Rant

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I think we should keep politics out of sports

Y'know its the fewest people i've met who's actually given sport a chance who doesn't like it. Watching it on the TV, going to see it in person, playing it. I'm not talking about wholeass football enthusiasts i'm just talking about people who can find a bit of happiness in drinking a couple beers with their friends and watching a football match.

It's just one of those things everyone can agree on y'know? Yeah, there will be someone who can't watch an hour of tennis for the life of them, but for the most part sports are just one big good mood. Like you seen footage from stadiums right? Everyone's happy. Hell, you might be sitting next to a nazi and you'll still be happy. You know when they show the big matches in bars and stuff? It's always a nice feeling to walk past those bars and watch dumb happy drunk guys laughing and cheering y'know?

Everyone's united when they're watching sports, but all that's ruined when someone pulls up anything political. Like go there wearing a swastika and you're ruining it for yourself and for everyone else, and yes, it counts for the left wing too. I dont think a football match is where you should bring your pride flag. YES! Bring it to whatever big events you're going to! But i just don't think politics belong in sports. I'm sorry if it sounds insensitive, but it's literally only because it ruins the good mood. Like, bring a pride flag to a stadium and watch things unfold just as if it was a swastika. It'll ruin things for the people who gets angry over it and for you as well. It's sad i'll admit that but it's a problem to solve outside of sports.

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