The "It Gets Better" Rant

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Have you ever been really down and all you heard was "it gets better"? Did you think it was bullshit? I know my answer to both of those questions are yes. I think all struggling people can agree that the last thing we want to hear is "it gets better".

But have you ever thought about it? Have you ever thought about it as something more than a mindless comment to make you feel better? Because it is. 99% of the time it does get better. Not convinced? Let me tell you why. 

You've tried 7th grade haven't you? And it was rough wasn't it? At that age you're finding yourself. You're gonna lose friends and you're gonna lose interests, you're gonna be stripped from a lot of things you've learned to truly find out who you are as a person. And it is scary. A lot of adults forget that it really is this early in your life this happens and how much it takes a toll on a person who is such a short way into their maturity development, so you'll feel neglected. 

The second most common cause of death after freak accidents in the age group 'early teens' is suicide. I theorise this plays a pretty big part in it. Now what will really leave you with a sense of hopelessness in this age is if your life beforehand has been rough as well. When you were a young child. This could be anything from bullying to homelife abuse to gender dysmorphia (which oh my god must be rough because you don't understand what's going on at such a young age). 

But when you round around the 15 years of age, is when things start to make sense. This is when suicide drops to the third most common cause of death. That's when you start to figure out the personality you'll live with for the rest of your life. It's when you know all about things like sexuality and gender and mental illness and most important of all; why you struggle. If you have been/is being abused say in school/at home/in a relationship, you will start to realise. I didn't get to much attention as a child and I only noticed when I turned 15. I was bullied in 7th grade and I only realised when I was in 9th grade. I was having sex with 17/18 year old boys at 14 and I didn't know it was wrong till I was older. 

Of course a sudden total awareness will take a toll on you, but as you move further into the age group 15-25 you'll start to come to terms with what's happened to you and you'll find peace in it as opposed to distress because now you know what's wrong which means you know how to fix it. Not all the time you'll have the recourses to fix it as an older teen, but the age group goes into your young adulthood as well.

Now you're in your mid 20's. Suicide as a cause of death has dropped again because things got better.

It's a slow process, but it gets better. It's only natural.

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