The Art Rant

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Can you separate the art from the artist?

Let's take music:

I've got three main words to put my point down the easiest: money, support and enjoyment.

Money. It's very black and white that you stream music = you generate money = money goes to the song you stream = money goes to the people who made the song. Which also means that you stream music = you generate money = money goes to the ART you stream = money goes to the ARTIST who made the ART. This is how money connects the art to the artist, so with money you cannot separate them.

Support. Money is support in the music industry so naturally by streaming the art and giving the artist money, you are supporting them. This is when it's no longer facts: in my opinion, as soon as you are giving an artist money, you are supporting them and supporting what they stand for. You may not mean to but that is what you're doing. This is how support connects to money which connects the art to the artist, so here you can still not separate them.

Enjoyment. Some people like to go as far to say that simply listening to a problematic artist is bad, but I wouldn't go that far. You are allowed to enjoy a song that sounds good in your ears even though it's made by a bad person. Just make sure that you do not accidentally fall into the money and support category. Basically there is a way to separate the art from the artist and how you do that is by enjoying a song as opposed to supporting it, which you do by listening without generating money.

It's a tricky topic because the further you get down the list the more moral it gets. Money is completely objective. Support is a mix because it is objective that you support artists by giving them money, but also moral because do you really support what an artist stand for if you stream one of their songs on Spotify?(In my opinion: yes). Enjoyment is completely moral because some people will see it as apathetic to listen to a problematic song at all. (In my opinion: it's not).

So can you separate the art from the artist? Yes and no, but 2/3 times no, so mostly no.

Now, the question is just if you care or not.

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