Shipped to Alabama 1 (Intro)

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I was walking to my car after school when I heard my name being called. All my friends had already left. When I turned around to see who it was, I sighed.

My ex-boyfriend. "Dylan, what do you want?" Dylan and I dated our junior year in high school. We always got into trouble and my parents demanded me to break-up with him. So I did. We continued to get into trouble throughout the summer and now in our senior year.

"Sugar," he said with a wink. "When you talk to me like that it makes me think you don't like me." I raised an eyebrow at him. "Okay, I just came to ask if we were still on for tonight."

I nodded my head, "Of course. Do you have the supplies?"

"I do."

"Alright, meet me at the tower at eight tonight," I said.

"Will do, babe."

"What did I tell you about calling me babe?"

"You said not to," he answered, "but I know you like it."

"Whatever," I sighed. "I'll see you later."

I continued walking to my car. When I got inside I noticed that Dylan had been watching me. Sometimes he acts like the protective boyfriend that he was when we were dating.


I arrived to the tower at exactly eight o' clock that night. Dylan was leaning against the tower. He was wearing his dark jeans, white t-shirt with leather jacket and combat boots. I rolled my eyes; he knows I love that jacket on him.

"Hey Sugar."


"I'm glad you wore dark clothes tonight," he said.

"And I don't understand why you wore that jacket; you might get it dirty," I explained.

"I'll try my best not to."

I couldn't resist what I did next. I stepped closer to Dylan; grabbed the collar of his jacket and pulled him down gently. I then kissed him softly on the lips.

"Wow, Sugar," he breathed. He then wrapped his arms around my waist; and kissed me passionately on the lips.

The last time we kissed was the day that I broke the news to him that I wasn't allowed to date him, which was almost ten months ago.

We both knew deep down that we had feelings for each other; that's why we stayed friends and continued to be rebels together.

I pulled back from the kiss. "Let's get to work, Dylan," I said.

"Can we do this afterward?" he asked with a grin. I wanted to say yes, but knew I should say no.

"No promises," I answered.

"Yes," he said excitedly. I chuckled at his excitement.

"This doesn't change anything," I said as we started walking.

We were going to our high school. It was half a mile from the tower.

"I know," his voice barely a whisper.

When we got to the back of the school Dylan tossed me two cans of spray paint. Bright red and white. He had black, green, and blue.

One hour later we stepped back to look at our masterpiece.

It was a painting of our high school, on the back wall of the school building, with our school colors and flag. We tilted the building and used the blue spray paint to make it look like it was sinking in a body of water. The painting was huge.

"If we weren't artist this would suck," Dylan said.


"Good job."

"To you too," I replied.

We picked up our spray cans and walked back to the tower.

"Sugar," Dylan said. I turned toward him; he continued, "what do you want to do?" He slowly inched his way to me.

I was speechless. He had me by now with one arm around me; his other hand was putting a loose strand of hair behind my hair.

"Just know that you can't get after me for what's going to happen next," he said softly.

"Why is that?" I asked.

He answered, "Because you started it."

"Be quiet," I smiled slightly.

"As you wish," he replied.

He then kissed me. I kissed him back. My hands rested on his chest.

The most we did that night was kissing; kissing like its our first and last time.

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