Shipped to Alabama 4

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After grabbing my bags from the conveyor belt I walked outside. Thankfully there were vacant taxi's waiting for their next passengers.

I knocked on the window of one of the taxi's. The driver looked over. I pointed at my bags. He immediately got out of the car; he then opened his trunk.

"Sorry miss, it has been a long day," he said.

"It's fine."

"Let me help get your bags for you," he said. After all my bags were in the trunk, we were in his taxi.

"Where am I driving?" he asked.

"Oh yeah," I said, forgetting I needed to tell him where I was going. "Somewhere in Riverside. I'll be living there, but don't even remember my address."

"Riverside?" he asked.


He chuckled. "That's like the smallest town in the state."

"For real?" He nodded his head. "Well that's just great; I can't believe my parents are doing this to me." I wish my parents punished me back at home; I would at least be around my friends.

"I'm going to start driving. When you remember the exact address, let me know."

I reached for the letter from my carry-on bag that my parents wrote me with information.

"122 Novelty Drive," I informed the taxi driver.

Approximately forty-five minutes later we entered the town of Riverside. There was a small town; not even one stoplight in town, but a couple stores here and there.

Two minutes later my taxi driver said,"are you sure you're going to 122 Novelty Drive?"

"Yes," I said. I was looking down at the letter my parents wrote me. I didn't want to miss any information I was given.

"Okay, then we're here," he said slowly.

I looked up, saw the house, and frowned. "Wow," I mumbled.

There were weeds growing up the side of the house. And dirt was covered the once white walls. It looked like I could break a leg if I walked up the steps to the front door. The roof seemed like it was in great condition; however, that is what's visible from the driveway.

"I wonder what the inside is like," I mumbled to myself.

The taxi driver helped get my bags out of the car.

"Good luck," he said.

"It's not too bad," I replied. He looked at me like I was crazy. "I don't mind getting my hands dirty," I added.

He walked to his car; as he got inside he wished me a good day.

I carried my bags to the house. The steps leading to the front door was rotten wood and there were loose nails. Thankfully, I didn't fall through.

After finding the house key in the flower pot by the door I explored the house before I brought my bags inside. It was only a one level house.

There was a short hallway when you walked in the house with a living room to the right. At the end of the hallway was the kitchen. There was an empty space, which I assumed there was a table there before. There was a door that lead to the back yard. There was another hallway to the left of the kitchen, which lead to the bedroom and a bathroom.

"I've got a lot of work to do," I said to myself.

Most of the work is outside. Inside seemed to only be dusty; missing furniture for the living room, and a pipe needed to be fixed in the kitchen sink.

I first took a short nap. Then I went out back to the shed I noticed earlier. I still needed to go to the store to buy things to watch the outside of the house and also white paint.

I'm glad I don't mind getting my hands dirty.

The walk to town didn't last long at all. The only need for a car if you live in Riverside is if you're going out of Riverside or need to carry lots of groceries.

I spotted the hardware store when I heard someone say, "hey miss."

When I looked to see where it was coming from I spotted a young guy looking at me.

"Hey," I said. This is the first person I've seen since arrived and it felt weird.

"Passing through?" he asked.

"No," I answered, "I'm living here."

"Are you new?" he asked.

"Yeah." He looked surprised. "Since you live around here-I assume- do you know anyone who's hiring in Riverside? I need a job badly."

"Um, yeah," he answered. "Betsy is hiring at Betsy's Diner."

"Sweet. Thank you," I smiled. "Oh, where's it located?"

"It's right past the general store," he was pointing to the general store, which happened to be across the street. Betsy's Diner was small from the outside; however, it looked cute."

"Thank you again."

"You're welcome. I hope you like it here," he said.

"Me too."

He then added, "And I hope to see you again."

He then turned around and walked in the opposite direction I was going.

"Wait," I said. He turned around. "What's your name?"

"Ty, and yours?"

"Sugar," I answered.

"Sugar? I like it. "And that's when I noticed his dimples. Oh, how I melt when I see dimples, especially when hot guys pull them off well. I mentally slapped myself to cut it out.

"I'll see you around, "I said before turning to go to Betsy's Diner to get an application.

As soon as I walked in the diner I noticed an older woman behind the counter pouring coffee in a cup for a gentleman, who was sitting on the stool by the counter.

The diner looked exactly like an old-time diner you'd imagine in the 80's. It was a red and white theme.

"Hello miss, may I help you?" The older lady said as she put the coffee pot back onto its heater.

"Hello," I said. "I just wanted an application, if you're hiring."

"We are hiring. Just fill this application out and I'll see if you're the one, " she said.

As I stepped closer to grab the application from the older lady I noticed her name tag said Betsy.

She handed me a pen and said, "it won't take long to fill it out."

I sat down at a booth by the window and filled the application out in ten minutes.

Betsy looked over my application super fast.

"Sugar Parker," she said, "interesting name. I'm going to hire you, but if I find out something is fishy about you I will not let you in my diner again."

"Yes ma'am," I said firmly.

"You'll start Wednesday. Wear non-slip shoes and either black pants or black shorts. I'll provide you with the shirt."

"Thank you, Mrs. Betsy," I said.

She smiled and said, "now, go and enjoy the rest of your day. I can't wait to get to know you, Sugar."

I walked out of the diner with a smile on my face.

I have a job!

Now it's time to work on this house of mine for two days before I start my real job.

Off to the hardware store!

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