Shipped to Alabama 13

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Tuesday morning I made eggs, bacon, and pancakes for breakfast for Dylan and me. He enjoyed it a lot.

"Your cooking is so good. I wish you started doing this sooner," Dylan said.

"I like cooking now. A neighbor of mine, Samantha, loves to cook and would bring me food she made; then one day she brought me a duplicate of her own cook book, so I thought I'd try it out. That's how it started," I explained.

"That's awesome," he said. "When do I get to meet this amazing boyfriend of yours?"

"Sometime today. I'm not sure what time though. And don't freak him out. He asked if you were intimidating; I told him no, so that's what he thinks," I explained.

Dylan laughed. "Don't worry, Sugar, I'm not going to give him a hard time or scare him."

"Alright, I'll keep that in mind," I said.

When Dylan and I finished breakfast he helped me clean up, then he took a quick shower. He wanted to take one last night, but didn't get to it.

I sent Ty a text while Dylan was in the shower.

Hey babe, Dylan was just asking when y'all can meet? What do you think?

He replied two minutes later.

Good morning, Sugar :) I've been summoned to help my mom this morning. How about I come over after lunch? 1 pm?

I replied.

Sounds perfect

When Dylan came out I told him the plan.

"Sounds good with me," he had replied. "I've kind of been hesitating to ask you this, but do you know if you'll be moving back any time soon?"

I shook my head. "I may or may not have found out why my dad sent me here-"

He interrupted me by saying, "you mean your parents?"

"No, I meant what I said-my dad. But it doesn't matter because I'm planning on staying here for a while. And if my parents have listened to the voicemail I left them a few days ago, they know," I explained.

Dylan stared at me for a few seconds before saying, "Wow."


"I guess I can understand that," he said. I nodded my head.

After our awkward silence, I said to Dylan, "how about we make strawberry flavored cupcakes? We all like strawberry cupcakes; and I have all of the ingredients. Then we can enjoy them after you and Ty meet."

"Yeah, let's do that," he answered.

So that's what Dylan and I did. Strawberry cupcakes are difficult to make because you don't know if they're going to turn out delicious or stale.


1:02 pm there was a knock on my front door. I can't believe it's that time already.

I opened the door with a smile. "Hello Ty," I said.

"Hello Sugar,"  he replied with a smile.

We hugged; then I motioned him to come inside. I shut the door behind him.

Dylan came around the corner. "Hey man, I'm Dylan." Dylan stuck his hand out for Ty to shake.

Ty shook his hand and introduced himself, "I'm Ty . It's nice meeting you."

"Oh!" I exclaimed. The boys looked at me. "We made strawberry cupcakes!"

I was still nervous, even though the introduction went well. Who knows how the rest of their interactions will go.

They followed me to the kitchen.

"So, Dylan," Ty started, "do you have any embarrassing stories about Sugar?"

I looked at Ty with a pointed look.

Dylan answered, "tons."

"I don't think any of that is necessary to say," I added.

"Maybe I'll tell you later," Dylan said to Ty.

"Sounds good," Ty replied.

"Alright," I said. What are we supposed to do now? Both Dylan and Ty sat at the dining room table. It's like they know my thoughts; they must know I'm nervous.

"Let's eat your strawberry cupcakes," Ty said to me.Then he looked at Dylan and said, "What do you think?"

"Let's do it," Dylan replied.

"I bet they're delicious," Ty said.

I set the plate of cupcakes on the table. We ate one each and just talked for a while. Dylan and Ty got along fine, but I think they were trying too hard-for me. I could tell certain things they were saying to each other were fake.

Later, when Ty left after dinner, I walked him outside.

"Sorry if I stayed too long. I know he won't be here too much longer," Ty was rambling, but I shut him up by kissing him.

We kissed for a few seconds.

"It's okay, babe," I said. "I'm glad you stayed this long, honestly."

Ty sighed, "okay, good."

I grabbed Ty's hand and took him to the side of the house with me. I knew Dylan would look out the front window eventually and I didn't want him to see what I'm about to do.

"We have two minutes," I smirked.

Ty and I took those two minutes-plus a couple more- to make out.

Afterward, I walked Ty to his jeep and he drove home.

When I walked in the house Dylan was leaning against the wall with a smile.

"Look at you, Sugar," he said.


"You can't keep that smile off your face."

"I really like Ty," I replied.

"I bet y'all kissed a lot," he chuckled.

I walked down the hall toward Dylan. "Whatever. Maybe we did a little."

"What's that look for, Sugar?"

"You know why," I said rather loudly.

"No, please inform me."

"You and Ty acted like y'all were fake-getting-along. And you acted like you didn't like him. Ty is amazing!" I exclaimed.

Dylan sighed, "I'm sorry, I just....I don't know, Sugar. I hate what's happened. And I hate that I've lost you."

"I don't think he noticed your underlining rudeness in your voice, but I could tell; I've known you long enough to know," I said.

"Sugar, please don't be mad at me," he said.

"I'm not mad; I'm upset."

We were silent for a couple minutes. It was the same awkwardness we had when I suggested we make strawberry cupcakes. We can't do that now.

"Sugar," Dylan said quietly. I looked at him without saying anything. "We can't be awkwardly silent the rest of the night and tomorrow morning."

I cracked a smile, "then let's not be."

"You're so weird," he said. "You always smile like that in awkward situations."

"Well it helped," I replied.

Dylan and I stayed in a good mood the rest of the night. It was a weird feeling, but we managed to stay that way.

I feel like so much has changed since I moved to Alabama. Even Dylan.

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