Shipped to Alabama 12

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Sunday I went to work. I had a short shift. Kyle had arrived before me.

"Hey Betsy, I need to talk to you about my work schedule for the next couple days," I said.


"Well, I found out that my, um, ex boyfriend is coming to town to visit me and also to meet Ty. He'll be arriving tomorrow evening and staying till Wednesday afternoon," I explained.

"Okay," she said again.

"So, I need to switch shifts tomorrow, so I can work morning and be available when Dylan arrives. And then I need Tuesday off completely. And I'm working Wednesday evening, which is fine."

"Alright, I already have you off on Tuesday," Betsy said.


"If you want to switch with Kyle that's fine. Just talk to him and then let me know," she said.

"Awesome, I will."

I walked up to Kyle. Before I could ask him about switching shifts, he said, "I heard everything."

I pushed his shoulder, "eavesdropper."

He laughed. "I am not. I'll switch with you, if you make a new pot of coffee."

"Of course," I said, "that's one of the easiest things to do."

After making a fresh pot of coffee I told Betsy that Kyle and me are switching shifts on Monday.

That night when we were closing, Kyle says, "is it weird?"

"Is what weird?" I asked.

"That your ex boyfriend is coming to visit and he wants to meet your current boyfriend?"

"Well, it kind of us, but Dylan, my ex, and I were never really dated. It was a weird relationship. We were more like best friends, I guess," I explained.

"Are you nervous that he's coming?" Kyle asked.

"I'm more nervous than Ty," I chuckled.

"Ty is a chill guy. I mean from what I know."

"He is," I clarified.

As we finished mopping I told Kyle, "I'll take the mop bucket back and wash it out. You can leave and I'll lock up," I said.

"No, I'm not going to let you do all the work," he replied.

"This isn't all the work," I said, "you've been here longer than me today."

"I don't care. I can't let you walk out all by yourself either; it's late and dark."


After dumping the mop bucket and washing it out we were on our way out. Betsy gave me an extra key to the restaurant before she left this evening, so that I could lock up. I just have to return the key when I come to work in the morning.

"Alright, we're done for the night," I said.

"Yes, we are."

"I'll probably see you tomorrow in passing between our shifts," I said.

"Do you need a ride home?" Kyle asked.

"No," I answered.

"Are you sure?"

I smiled and pointed at Ty who was sitting in his jeep staring at our interaction. "I'm sure."

Kyle chuckled, "alright, see you tomorrow."

I walked to Ty's jeep and hopped inside.

"Hey Sugar," he said sweetly.

"Hey," I replied.

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