Shipped to Alabama 6

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I was sitting on my now clean kitchen floor eating a chocolate chip muffin that Ted's wife brought by early this morning. Thankfully, I had already woken up when she arrived. Her name is Samantha. They are both very friendly.

I was almost done with the muffin when I heard a bunch of random knocks on my front door. I looked at the clock on the kitchen wall. 7:59.

I heard voices on the other side of the door, but didn't know what they were saying. I opened the door and immediately saw Kenny. "Hello Sugar, I'm here to help."

Ty grabbed his shoulders and pulled him back a couple feet. "Don't be weird."

"Hey guys," I said.

"Hey," Ty said. "So, my mom wants me to watch Kenny while she's taking Brian to the dentist. I hope it's okay if he helps."

"Of course its okay," I replied.

"Sweet!" Kenny exclaimed.

"No slacking on your work though," I pointed to Kenny.

"I don't slack on anything," he protested.

Ty rolled his eyes. "My mom is going to come by here after Brian's appointment and pick Kenny up, if we're still working, which-by the looks of it-I think we will be."

"Alright," I said. "I'm going to put my tennis shoes on and then we can start."

* * *

Ten minutes later I was using the power washer on the sides of the house. Ted informed me it would be okay to use on this type of house. And it would be faster.

As soon as they dried we started painting the walls white. This may take a while, I thought to myself.

By the time we finished two walls, Cindy pulled in the driveway to pick Kenny up. I kindly said bye and wished him a good day.

"Is there a dentist in town or out?" I asked.

"Out of town," Ty answered. "Well, there is one in town, but we don't trust him."

"Oh, okay," I replied. "Are you having fun?"

"I actually am," he smiled. "If I was doing this all by myself I would be bored out of my mind."

I chuckled, "I'm sure I would be too."

"Are you nervous about starting work at the diner tomorrow?" Ty asked me.

"A little, yeah," I answered. "I'm not much of a restaurant person. I'd rather have a job like this," I held up the brush, "but I'm also excited at the same time because I'm able to try something new."

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