Shipped to Alabama 2

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The weekend passed by fast. It was now Monday. I pulled into the school parking lot. I noticed Dylan talking to two of my friends, Beth and Jessica. I walked over to them after getting out of my car.

"Hey," I said, "what are you up to?"

"Don't walk into the school," Jessica said.


Beth answered, "there's an uproar because someone put graffiti on the back of the school."

"Some people are saying it was Jack because he's known to do something like that, another part of the student body is saying it was Kyle and Ryan, the twins, and the rest of the students are saying it was you and Dylan," Jessica explained.

"Are you freaking serious?" I asked.

"She's serious," Dylan said.

We had five minutes till the bell rang, so we went inside the school. People were staring. I've had it happen before, but it still makes me uncomfortable.

During first period, the vice principle of the school came to our class and asked for Dylan, Kyle, Ryan and me to go with her. She led us to the principle's office. Jack was already in there. He was leaning against the far wall.

"What's up, Sugar?" He said with a smirk.

I didn't reply; I just held onto Dylan's hand.

"Please, have a seat," Mr. Ayers, the principle said.

There were five chairs for us to sit down. I didn't let go of Dylan's hand. I was more nervous this time than last because I knew if I was busted Mr. Ayers would tell my parents and my parents would punish me bad. They let me know this last time.

"I need all of your cooperation," Mr. Ayers said.

We didn't say anything.

"I'm sure you've heard that one of the students at this school put graffiti on the back of the school building-."

Jack interrupted Mr. Ayers, "how do you know it was one of us or even one of your students?"

"Who else would do it?"

"Anyone," Ryan answered.

"True, but I have an inkling it was one of you. Now, if no one decides to admit they put graffiti on the building I will make all five of you clean it off," Mr. Ayers said. I glanced at Dylan in the corner of my eye.

"What if one of us does admit it?" Jack asked.

"You'll get into worse trouble, Dufus," I said.

"Oh, come on Sugar, a pretty girl like you shouldn't be calling a hot guy like me names," Jack replied.

"I can call you whatever I want; and it definitely wouldn't be hot," I said with a wink.

"Jack; Sugar," Mr. Ayers said firmly, "please, just cooperate here. Will any of you admit to their misbehavior?"

Everyone looked at each other. I took a deep breath. "I did it, Mr. Ayers."

Everyone looked at me. I continued looking at Mr. Ayers.

"Were you the only one?"

"Yes, sir," I answered.

"No," Dylan said.

"Dylan, you don't have to stand up for me. I did it," I said. I squeezed his hand. I then whispered in his ear, "It's okay. I'll take the blame for this one."

"Alright then," Mr. Ayers said. "Everyone can get back to class, except Sugar."

Dylan and I looked at each other before he left the room. He looked upset that I would do this. He took the blame for me one time; I'll take the blame for the both of us this time.

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