Shipped to Alabama 7

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After work I went straight home and took a shower. I didn't want to smell like grease when Ty came over.

I went to my room after my shower. I saw my phone sitting on top of the dresser. I haven't even checked my phone since I arrived to Alabama.

I plugged in my phone to charge; I checked it 20 minutes later.

I had six text messages and one missed call. The phone call was from Dylan.

The first two texts were from Beth: Hey girl, sorry I missed you when you left. Hope you like it in Louisiana :)

Sorry, I meant Alabama

I rolled my eyes; she doesn't even remember where I was going.

The third text was from Jessica: Hey. I miss you already

And the last three texts were from Dylan: Hey Sugar, I hope everything is going well for you. I miss you and can't wait to see you again.

Text me when you can so I know you're doing okay

miss you <3

I dialed Dylan's number; he answered on the third ring.

"Hello," I could hear the smile in his voice.

"Hey," I said.

"I miss you already, Sugar. How is it in Alabama?"

"I miss you too," I replied. "Well, my parents placed me in the smallest town in Alabama. Then I get to the house and it's a dump. I fixed most of it up before I started my new job."

"You already have a new job? It hasn't even been a week."

"Its a diner," I informed him.

"Snazzy," he said.

"What's up with you?" I asked.

"Not much, honestly," he answered, "except they let me get my job back at the sport's store."

Dylan was let off from the sport's store last summer due to us two getting into trouble. That's the time Dylan took the blame for the both of us.

Dylan and I talked random stuff for another 20 minutes. I needed to go before Ty arrived. I wanted to look presentable in my own house.

* * *

I heard three knocks on the door. When I opened the door Ty was standing there; he is so hot. I blinked and shook my head.

"Hello," I said, opening the door wider, "Come in."

Shipped to AlabamaWhere stories live. Discover now